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"Excuse me, sir." I ask, "where is platform nine and three- quarters?"
The man looked at me, "are you trying to mess with me?"
Astrid got between us, "no sir, we just want to know."
The man looked at all four of us, "listen kids, there's no such thing as Platform nine o'three quarters, so tell yer friends that same thing."
"But sir, our train leaves at exactly nine." Fishlegs pleaded.
The man looked at us sternly, "didn't you hear me? No platform between nine and ten! No trains leave at exactly nine! Just go to either platform nine or ten. Stop bothering me! Same every year!"
He stalked away.
"What now?" Fishlegs wondered aloud.
Astrid shrugged, "we wait for someone to tell us. Listen for any of the vocabulary we've learned- like muggles, or Hogwarts."
At that moment, they heard a voice. "I can help."
They turned around to face a man that looked similar to Mary, but with more energy in his eyes.
"Pardon the interruption," he bowed, "Robert Lovegood. I understand you're looking for platform nine three quarters?"
"Yes sir." Astrid replied.
He nodded and motioned for them to follow, he led them to a brick wall, "here we go!"
"What am I looking at, exactly?" Hiccup asked, confused.
Robert chuckled, "oh, the Tutoring programme, brilliant. Watch and follow. It's better if you run into it."
He ran straight for the wall, then he vanished into it.
The four of them looked at the wall, blankly.
"You first." Fishlegs said, he pushed Ruffnut forward.
Ruffnut grabbed Hiccup, "you first."
"I'm after you." Astrid told Hiccup.
Hiccup swallowed hard. Holding his belongings, he broke into a run. he closed his eyes and waited for the impact on brick...
But it never came. He opened his eyes to find a black and red train before him, and the sign on top 'Platform 9 3/4'.
"You'd want to move away from there." Robert warned.
Before Hiccup could answer, he fell flat on the ground.
"Sorry." Astrid said.
"I warned you." Robert reminded him.
Before Astrid could get off him, Ruffnut came in and, eyes still closed, tripped over them.
"That leaves..."
Coming to the realisation that Fishlegs was next, Hiccup and Astrid started pushing each other. The moment Fishlegs came tumbling in, Hiccup and Astrid had evacuated at the last moment.
"Now that you're complete, I suggest you get on the train then." Robert suggested.

I sat down in an empty carriage. After I put my stuff away in the overhead compartments, I looked out the window.
The platform wasn't very crowded, but there were some people, some already in their Hogwarts robes, some in their casual clothing, and others in clothing I'd never seen before.
Yesterday in Diagon Alley, I saw a store named, 'Thretus' Clothes Through the Ages', and a sign near it read: Now selling clothing designed in the twenty- first century!' That's where they must've gotten their clothes.
I turn around when the carriage door slides open. A short-haired brunette girl in a pale pink dress comes in.
"Hello," she says, "may I seat here?"
I nod reluctantly, "sure... uhhh..."
"Rapunzel." she says as she stows her stuff away, "Punzie for short."
"Merida." I tell her.
Rapunzel sat down and yawned, "uhh... I didn't sleep very well last night."
I sat diagonally across her, "ye can go ta sleep right there, ay wun't judge. And ay can wake ye when we get there."
"Great..." she yawned, then she curled up as best as she could while seated, then fell asleep.
I look outside again as the train begins to pull out of the station.
I turn around as a brunette girl in pig-tail braids and a simple green dress and a blonde girl with her hair down and a cyan dress come in.

"You'll be fine!" I reassure Elsa as we made our way through the train.
Elsa snickered, "it was foolish of me to forget my gloves!"
"You never needed it!" I tell her.
Elsa shook her head, "what if what happened in Diagon happens again?"
"It won't!" I promised her.
But Elsa wouldn't let her hands stray from herself, keeping them close.
The dress she wore today, made of her ice, was a cyan coloured knee-length dress with a white 'jacket', or what they called it in that store that sold '21st century' clothing. She wore brown boots that reached her knees, which was the only part of her outfit not made of snow or ice. Usually she wore fingerless gloves, since they gave her more freedom and at the same time control her powers, but she forgot them.
She held, in her right hand, the handle of the cage of a female snowy owl- a present I bought for her back at Diagon. She had named the owl Snowy and created a collar made of ice for her with a snowflake pendant. The shop owner had informed us that owls are used as mail deliverers by wizards and witches, and the snowy owls were the best next to eagle owls. But Elsa felt that a snowy owl would be the only owl that could endure her cold.
"In here! There's Punzie!" I said as we entered the carriage. The girl with wild, flaming red hair looked at us. She had a green dress on with golden embroidery.
"Uhh... hi?" I said, awkwardly curtsying.
The girl smiled, "Merida of DunBroch."
"Anna of Arendelle, and this is Queen Elsa of Arendelle."
"Oh, a queen?" she said in amazement.
Elsa laughed, "please keep that a secret."
Merida nodded, "part of the programme?"
"Guess so?" I shrugged.
Elsa sat across Punzie, she set Snowy's cage down, "seems like Rap's been busy last night."
"Yew know her?" Merida asked.
I nodded while stowing away our luggage. "She's our cousin. Princess of Corona."
"We're all royalty here, I guess." Elsa joked.
Merida nodded. I sat down beside Rapunzel. Merida sat infront of me.
"What's it like, ye know, being queen?" Merida asked Elsa.
Elsa looked at her, "fun at times, hard at times, but it's my life."
Merida nodded, "and... the king?"
Elsa looked confused, then she brightened, "oh, you mean a husband? Don't have one."
Merida looked at her in shock, "and yewr kingdom allowed it?!"
"Well, yeah..." Elsa replied.
Merida smiled, "ay'm heir to the DunBroch throne, and ay don't want ta be married."
"No one's forcing you. It's your life." Anna reassured her.
"Yeh. Ay got into all sorts of madness. Accidentally transformed mum inta a bear." she admitted.
"A bear?" Elsa asked in bewilderment.
Merida nodded, "it's true. She wanted me tah marry, but ay didn't wanna, so a witch gave meh this cake that would change mah fate, but it changed me mum instead."
"Sweets, snacks, delights!"
A woman pushing a cart went down the aisle.
"I'll check out what they have." I said, "want anything?"
"Ask if they have anything chocolate." Merida said.
Elsa nodded, "chocolate's good."
"How about Punz?" I asked.
Elsa looked at her, "she loves chocolate too."
I nodded and went outside the carriage.
"Sweets, snacks, delights." the woman murmured.
"Anything chocolate?" I asked.
The woman looked at me blankly, then she bent over and pulled out a red hexagonal box, "chocolate frog."
"Eww!" I shouted.
The woman looked at me like I was stupid, "they're not real frogs, it's the enchantment that makes them move."
I sigh, embarrassed, "oh... I'll take four."
I paid the lady and walked back into the carriage with four, red hexagonal boxes.
When I slid the door shut, I realised that Punzie was already awake and laughing with Merida while Elsa smiled on, obviously feeling anxious.
"Chocolate frogs?" I offered.
"What?" Rapunzel said, bewildered.
"They're not real frogs. Magic makes them move."
"Ohh..." she replied.
I gave each of them a box.
Merida peeked inside hers, then the frog croaked and jumped in between her eyes.
Merida screamed and swatted the frog off. It jumped onto the window. Rapunzel, Elsa, and I were laughing at her surprise. Eventually, Merida grabbed the frog and popped it into her mouth.
"Well?" Rapunzel asked her.
Merida swallowed, burped (a frog sounding burp), and replied, "tastes like chocolate."
"Oh yeah, why didn't I think the obvious?" Rapunzel said, sarcastically.
"Your turn, Punzie." I told her.
Rapunzel opened the box and watched the frog sail out of the box, croaking for its newfound freedom, but Rapunzel grabbed it in midair on its second jump.
Croaking and wiggling in her hand, Rapunzel said, "here goes..."
She ate the frog.
"Mmmmmm..." she declared, "not bad. You next, Elsa!"
Elsa looked at us, shocked, "mm... me?"
"Yeh." Merida agreed.
Elsa nodded, nervously, and slowly held out her hands. She opened the box.
Miraculously, the frog didn't jump out or anything. It just stayed there and croaked. Effortlessly, Elsa picked it up and bit its head off, chewing elegantly. Then, she finished it off.
Rapunzel laughed, "you eat too elegantly, Else."
"Now you!" she told me.
I laughed, "alright!"
I opened the box.
The frog flung itself straight into my mouth, stranding itself in my windpipe. I coughed, trying to get it out.
I felt the frog wiggling in my throat as Elsa screamed and ice started blistering from her corner of the carriage. Merida slid the door open and called for help, and Rapunzel tried to help me dislodge the frog, but to no avail. My vision started fading as I lost breath. The last thing I remember is the wiggling, panicky movement in my throat.

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