Chapter Eighteen: DARK ELSA

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"Why? What's wrong?" Elsa asked.
Anna fell back, falling into Rapunzel, "her eyes!"
"What's with my eyes?" Elsa asked, touching her eyelids and around her eyes.
I held up Elsa's head. Her eyes were the same blue they always were.
"They're the same they've always been, Anna." I told her.
She shook her head, "but... they were yellow a few moments ago."
"What are you talking about?" Elsa laughed, "it's not like I can control my eye colour or something."
"Are you fine, Elsa?" Littlemore asked, "do you have any cuts or bruises? Any lacerations?"
She shook her head, "the cup must've healed me while I was teleported here."
Kandis and Hiccup ran at us, making their way towards Elsa.
"Elsa! Are you alright?" Kandis asked, "Pitch told me he was going to do something to you."
Elsa looked at her, confused, "I've never heard of this 'Pitch'."
"That's good." Hiccup said, "because I really missed out while he was using Polyjuice as me."
"Polyjuice?" Elsa asked, "that's insane."
I knelt down to face her, "are you alright, Elsa? You were the one who told me about a second Hiccup."
She laughed, "that was me? Oh, I'm so sorry! I was under some sort of insanity."
"As you are now."
Professor Peri pushed us a good distance away from Elsa, "I know a fraud when I see one."
"Wha-what?" Elsa laughed.
"What?" I asked, "you can't just accuse her!"
Professors Ogden and Cartel pinned Elsa down. Peri pulled out a vial from her pocket and opened it, forcing it down Elsa's throat.
Immediately, Elsa's face started morphing. Changing. Into...
"Scarlett Deom?" Rapunzel gasped.
Scarlett laughed menacingly, "it was a stupid idea to mimic a mudblood from the start!"
"Where's Elsa?" Peri asked.
Scarlett chuckled, "she's with Pitch. I wanted to kill her, but Pitch wouldn't let me."
"What is she going to do to her?" Peri asked.
Scarlett looked at us slyly, "see for yourself! ELSA!"
The sky suddenly clouded over with grey storm clouds.
"Good luck." Scarlett spat, then she disapparated.
"Elsa?" I gasped.
A small storm brewed out, and in the middle of it, there was a figure that looked like Elsa. But this wasn't Elsa. She had black hair and freakishly pale skin. Her dress was black as well.
"She's been possessed by Pitch!" Mavis shouted.
Elsa started spraying us with black ice. She touched down and wrecked havoc.
"Stupefy!" Littlemore shouted, but Elsa reflected the spell, and made his wand go flying as well.
"You can't beat me!" she shouted, then she froze some students with black ice.
"Elsa!" I shouted. I tried to walk up to her, "Elsa!"
"You can't stop me Jack!" she shouted, "I'm more powerful now!"
She sprayed me with black ice, freezing me to the ground.
"Elsa, please!" Anna shouted, "Elsa! Listen to me!"
"I listen to no one!" Elsa seethed, freezing things into place.
"Then don't listen to Pitch!" I shouted.
For a moment, a glimmer of blue appeared in her eyes, and her hair turned platinum again. But then it ended, and she became Dark Elsa again.
"Anna! Keep it up!" I shouted, "try and get the real Elsa out!"
Anna nodded and started talking to Elsa while I tried to pry myself out of the black ice.

"Astrid!" I shouted.
I spotted Astrid paralysed by fear.
I looked at Elsa. She smirked and lifted her hand.
I ran towards her and jumped in the way of the black ice.
"Hiccup!" she screamed. The black ice hit me in the chest. I felt an enormous pain, imagine three gronkles sitting on your chest with a fourth jumping up and down. That's the last thing I remember before blacking out.

I witnessed Hiccup being hit by Elsa. Merida staggered back from beside me.
I pulled out my wand and sneaked up to Elsa from behind.
"STUPEFY!" I shouted, and just like that, Elsa was knocked out like a light.
"Elsa!" Anna shouted, running towards her, "Punzie?! Was that totally necessary?!"
I nodded, "well, what else was I supposed to do?"
Jack ran at Elsa as well. He knelt beside Elsa as I walked over. Elsa's hair started turning platinum again.
"What's happened to her?" I asked.
Littlemore looked at Elsa, "she's been possessed by Pitch. There's no telling how long or until when Pitch has been controlling her."
"You can stop it, right?" Jack asked.
Littlemore shook his head, "I cannot. Only she can do that. She has to stop feeding Pitch fear. That way, Pitch won't be able to control her."
"So, if she gets scared, she'll turn into Dark Elsa*?" Anna asked.
Littlemore nodded, "it is inevitable."
"How can we stop it?" Jack whimpered.
"We have to get rid of the source of possession. In this case-"
"Pitch." Jack, Anna, Merida, and I said at the same time.
"What about Hiccup?" Merida asked.
He looked at Hiccup, "we'll send him to the hospital wing for now. And be on high alert. Pitch can come at any second. Stay alert and stay unafraid."
We nodded as Jack picked Elsa up and carried her to the hospital wing.

Don't fight the fear...
Don't fight it...
You are a monster.
They will always think you are...
I bolted upright and Jack immediately put his arms around me.
I shook as he rubbed my shoulder, "everything's fine, Elsa."
"Miss Arendelle," Littlemore was standing there, "there's something we'd like to discuss with you."
"Where's Anna?" I asked.
"She's in class." Jack replied.
"How long had I been out?" I asked.
"Two days." Jack said, the dark circles under his eyes more convincing.
Littlemore clasped his hands, "did you meet up with Pitch?"
I nodded, "he was threatening to kill... oh no... where's Kandis? And Hiccup? Did Pitch kill them?"
Jack shook his head, "they're fine. Hiccup left the hospital wing yesterday morning on good terms with Astrid."
I nodded, "what happened?"
"You were possessed by Pitch." Littlemore explained, "he used Nightmare Sand to control you."
"Did I hurt anyone?" I asked, anxiously.
Jack shrugged, "uhh... no..."
Jack was a very good liar, but I can see it in his eyes.
"Don't lie to me." I demanded.
"You... might've been the reason Hiccup was sent here."
You will hurt all of them!
You will be the cause of their deaths!
Don't fight the fear, my Queen, submit to it...
"Miss Elsa," Littlemore explained, "your transformation into a Darker form of yourself can only be suppressed by you."
"Me?" I asked, bewildered, "how?"
He smiled, "you can control it, you have to be unafraid."
"Fear triggers the transformation." Jack added.
"So..." I tried to process all this, "I have to fight the fear?"
"In a way, yes." Littlemore agreed, "don't let your Dark ego control you."
I nodded, "a... alright..."
Littlemore gave a curt nod, then he left.
"Jack, you need to go to class." I told him.
He shook his head, "Potions is way more fun with you, my snowflake."
I giggled, then I sighed.
"What's wrong?" he asked me, genuine worry on his face.
"If anything goes wrong," I began, "please take care of Anna. Make sure she's safe... from me."
He smiled, "it's not you, actually, it's Pitch."
"But still!" I demand, "it's still me!"
He stopped smiling, "of course. Anna is like a sister to me."
I smiled, "thank you. And, don't let her do anything stupid."
He nodded, "nothing will go wrong, I promise."

I walked to the Great Hall.
"Hey Hiic..."
Why is he holding hands with Astrid?!
Wait, Merida, you don't care...
You don't care.
I pulled myself together, "hai Hiccup! Hai Astrid!"
"Hey!" Astrid smiled, "Hiccup and I finally worked it out!"
Hiccup nodded, smiling adoringly at Astrid.
Why can't he look at me like that?!
Merida, you don't care...
"That's greyt!" I forced myself to say, "it's fantastic! Ay think that's brillyant!"
"I know!" Astrid beamed, "c'mon Hiccup!"
I watched them walk off.
"Ooohhh... that's rough."
I faced a Slytherin girl with dark hair and piercing blue eyes, Angie.
"Hey Angie." I smiled.
She laughed, "c'mon! I know you like him!"
I shrugged, "who? Hiccup? Naaww..."
"Your accent is showing." she wagged a finger.
"Faiyn!" I groaned, "Ay like Hiccup, big deal!"
"Ooo!!!" Angie giggled, "how's the friend zone working out for ya?"
I shrug, "he's not for me then..."
She nodded pityingly, patting my shoulder, "oooooooooof course he isn't..."

*she'll turn into Dark Elsa when she gets scared, just like how Bruce Banner turns into the Hulk when he's angry

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