Chapter Seventeen: THIRD TASK

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[if any of you had questions about Hiccup's sanity during the last chapter, it's explained now...]

Hiccup is officially freaking me out.
It seems like, now, the real Hiccup is gone.
I got up from bed and stretched. Today was the day of the final challenge, and I will not let Hans win.
I jumped out of bed and changed into my outfit.
I exited the Hogwarts Castle and walked towards the Quidditch Pitch. Here we go.
A gigantic maze stood before me, and a crowd sat- or stood- in makeshift bleachers before the entrance of the maze.
"Miss Elsa, please stand here." Littlemore instructed, positioning me infront of a wall of green ivy. Poisoned? I'm not taking any chances.
Mavis and Hans were positioned similarly, but in different places.
"Remember, the winner of the Triwizard Tournament is the first one to reach the Triwizard cup. It may be in the centre, it may be just infront of you. You'll never know." Littlemore explained, "our very own, Professor Plick Del had the liberty of positioning the cup himself."
I chuckled to myself. Plick Del? That's like a sneeze while trying to say 'pickle'.
"If you are in trouble, just shoot red sparks from the tip of your wand toward the sky. Find the cup if you can, but be careful. You might go mental on the way."
"Be careful, Else." Anna told me.
He raised his hands, and suddenly the wall of green before me split open.
"Because she is currently in first place, Miss Elsa will go first. Miss Mavis will follow, then Mister Hans will go last. Are you ready?"
I heard cheering, "GO ELSA!"
"READY?" Littlemore announced, "GO!"
I ran into the maze. I turned around and saw the maze close behind me.
Okay, okay, okay... the cup, where is the cup?
I made a left turn, then a few right turns, going deeper in the maze. A few times I encountered dead-ends, but otherwise, I was fine.
Suddenly, I heard a shout, "Expelliarmus!"
I turned around and aimed my wand at whoever it was, but there was no one. I ran into the maze, into a pathway, then I stopped and backed up. It was Mavis and Hans, and they were duelling.
Hans still had his wand, and Mavis' wand was stuck in the walls.
I smiled to myself as a vine slowly snaked it's way towards Hans from behind. It yanked Hans' foot and pulled him under the walls.
I chuckled to myself and ran farther into the maze.
Cup, where is the cup?
Suddenly, the walls started closing in on me. I tried to run out, but I was getting stuck.
I aimed my wand at the wall, "Bombarda!"
The wall infront of me exploded and I escaped. Then, as if they weren't finished, the walls twisted, blocking the path I was going to take and revealing another pathway. Unfortunately, Hans was there. I aimed my wand at him.
"I thought Mavis was done with you." I tell him.
He chuckled, "oh your Majesty, she didn't finish me, I finished her."
"You killed her?!" I gasp.
He shook his head, "killed? No, no... more like... Petrificus totalus!"
I created an ice wall infront of me.
"I see you still have it in you." he taunted, "that curse of ice and snow magic... Reducto!"
My ice wall smashed into pieces.
"Expelliarmus!" I shouted. His wand flew out of his hand and landed deep in the bushes, "Stupefy!"
He flew backwards and hit the ivy walls, unconscious. I need to make sure he doesn't come to.
"Immobulus." I said as I aimed my wand at him. He immediately stiffened in the same awkward pose he had landed in- arms flailed everywhere and legs stiffly together.
I gave a mock salute and ran in the opposite direction.
The cup. The cup. Where is the cup?
I ran this way and that, casting spells and freezing vines.
Where is the bloody cup?
I heard the wall to my right shift and move. I aimed my wand at it in self defence, but then the wall revealed the cup. It was sitting there on a pedestal. I smiled to myself and ran towards it.
The vines begged to differ. They started whipping me in the face and on my back. I froze some and cast explosion spells on others.
The cup...
I grabbed the cup, desperate to get things over with.
I found myself teleported by the cup, not back out the maze where I came from, but in what looked like an old mansion.
"Hello?" I shouted, "anyone here?"
I wiped the blood off my face.
"Ohh... hello, your Majesty."
I faced the voice and aimed my wand at him.
"Oh, no need for that..." he said as he stepped into the light.
I lowered my wand slightly, "Hiccup?"
He laughed, "you are such a card! You see, I am not the real Hiccup. I simply used Polyjuice."
Suddenly, his face started morphing. His skin was turning grey and his body lengthening.
"Pray, do you believe in the boogeyman?" he asked me.
"Confringo!" I shouted, wand at him. But then, a girl ran out of the shadows and jumped infront of him.
"Protego!" she shouted, deflecting my spell.
"Kandis?" I asked.
She sneered at me, "don't you know, you filthy little mudblood!"
Her face started changing too. It revealed the angry, angry face of Scarlett Deom.
"Nice to see you again, your 'highness'." she sneered.
"That was magnificient, Scarlett." the man applauded.
Scarlett nodded without taking her eyes off me, "thank you, Pitch."
The man, Pitch, pulled out a small vial from his pocket and drank from it. He morphed into the chilling face of Professor Plick Del.
"You're Professor Del?!" I gasp.
He laughs, "you only find out now... You know, I rather enjoyed Frost's torture with the blood quill. I've been meaning to have him use it."
"What did you do to the real Professor Del?" I demand.
He laughed, "he's not a wizard actually. He's a muggle."
A woman came forth from the shadows and walked towards them, I didn't know if she was under Polyjuice, or if she was real.
As expected, her face started morphing.
"I got the Ministry under charm, Pitch." she said.
Pitch nodded, pleased, "good."
She looked at me, "oh you. You're the cousin of Rapunzel, aren't you? Well, you can certainly tell her I didn't die after the fall from her tower."
I gasped, "you're Gothil?"
"Silence!" she snapped, "you are not worthy to speak my name, you filthy mudblood!"
I was getting tired of being called a 'mudblood'. I don't even know what it means.
"Petrificus totalus!" I shouted, wand aimed at Gothil.
She reflects the spell, and aimed her wand at me. Suddenly, pain shot through me like I was being stabbed multiple times. I fell to the floor and writhed in pain. Then the pain lifted. I was suddenly in the air, as if someone was holding me by the neck.
"If you want to see your friends again..." Pitch taunted, he held his hand out. A glowing ball appeared and it projected the image of Hiccup, chained to a wall. Then it showed Kandis Nolan, in a similar situation. "You'll have to do exactly as I say..."
"What do you want, Pitch?" I ask.
He chuckled, "join me! They will always think of you as a monster. What did they do when they discovered your powers, Elsa? Don't you want to be a Dream Eater?"
I tried not to make it show on my face, "I don't care! I will never, join you."
"If that's your go," Pitch said, he gestured at Scarlett, "Scar?"
Scarlett stroked her wand then aimed it at Elsa, "with pleasure..."

I was getting worried when Elsa didn't appear.
Mavis was already up and moving, and Hans was too, although I knew Hans tried to get rid of Elsa in there.
"Where is she?" Jack asked, frantically.
A Ravenclaw, Kandis Nolan, ran up to us. She had a bald spot on her head.
"Anna! Anna! Elsa's in danger! Scarlett's been-"
"Expelled, we know." Jack said.
Kandis shook her head, "no, no! She's been masquerading as me!"
"What is this?" Littlemore boomed, making his way towards us.
"She used Polyjuice." Kandis explained, "and he's back."
"Who's back?" Jack asked.
Hiccup suddenly ran up to us, his face badly beaten, "Pitch is. He's been using a potion to pretend to be me."
"He's been pretending to be Professor Del!" Kandis shouted, "Professor, please! You have to save Elsa!"
"Where's Plick?" Littlemore asked.
"He's gone!" Peri answered.
Littlemore shouted, "I want a full scale search for Miss Elsa and Professor Del, immediately!"
I started choking tears, "E... Elsa?"
"She'll be alright." Jack assured me.
Suddenly, a blinding light appeared, and Elsa apparated, holding the cup.
"HOGWARTS IS VICTORIOUS!" someone shouted. I ran to Elsa and hugged her, but something wasn't right. She wasn't the cold and comforting she always was.
I looked at her, then I screamed.
"Why? What's wrong?" she asked.
Her eyes were yellow...

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