Chapter Nineteen: HOUSE CUP

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I released Snowy with a letter for Kai. I sighed and watched Snowy fly away.
Now I had to control something other than my ice powers.
I rubbed my shoulder as I heard footsteps approaching. I smiled to myself.
"You know, if you wanted to sneak up on me, you might as well fly." I told him.
"Hey, I wasn't trying to sneak up on you." Jack replied, setting his staff on the wall.
I laughed and wrapped my arms around his neck, "yeah right."
He chuckled and held my forehead close to his, I sighed.
"I... I don't want to say goodbye." I whispered.
He chuckled, "you don't have to."
I smiled at him, "because I'll always be here?"
I put a finger on his chest- above his heart.
He chuckled, "that, and... I promise I will always be there for you, no matter what. Just call my name."
I smiled and nodded.
"Oh, and... by the way..." he chuckled, "I didn't get to kiss you yet."
I laughed, "patience."
He walked towards his staff and, using his foot, nudged it upwards, he caught it in midair, "patience isn't a popular term to me."
I laughed, "whatever."
He put the staff over his shoulders and put his hands around it, like a scarecrow, "I'm only joking, Else."
"I know." I laughed.
He flipped his staff off and held it firm on the ground. He leaned on it and looked at me. He looked so cute when he does that.
"So..." he asked, "what now?"
I giggled and tucked a hair behind my ear, "I guess we wait for the End of the Year Feast, then we leave tomorrow."
"Oh so soon?" he asked, looking upset, but I know better.
I pouted, "yes, so soon."
He stopped and laughed, "you look so beautiful when you do that."
I giggled and put my arms around him. His staff clattered to the floor as one hand went to my waist and another went on my cheek.
Our foreheads touched, and I decided to give him his kiss now.
Our lips were less than a millimetre apart until...
Don't fight the fear!
I stumbled backwards and bumped into the wall.
"What's wrong?" Jack asked.
He doesn't really love you.
Don't fight the fear, my Queen, succumb to it!

Elsa lurched over and covered her ears, "no, no, no, NO!"
Her hair suddenly turned black from the root, slowly spreading throughout her hair. Her skin became a light grey.
"Elsa, stop!" I shouted.
Elsa stopped shouting repeatedly and breathed heavily.
She suddenly laughed, "my name... is Asle*!"
"What?" I asked. I grabbed my staff and aimed it at her.
She stood up and her dress turned dark. Her eyes were a sickly yellow.
"Elsa? Elsa, I know you're in there." I spoke, anxiously.
Asle laughed and released black ice. I deflected them with my staff.
"Elsa!" I shouted.
Suddenly, Asle started twitching. Then, for a brief moment, her eyes turned the familiar blue they've been.
"J... Jack?" she asked, "help me..."
Then her eyes morphed yellow, "she's gone!"
"No!" I shouted, "I didn't want to hurt you, but there's no other choice."
I froze her to the wall, then I flew at her and knocked her out.

"Hey Jack, where's Elsa?" I asked him.
He looked guilty, "in... in the Hospital Wing."
I gasped, "WHAT?!"
He rubbed the back of his neck, "she... sort of transformed into her Darker form she called Asle."
"You attacked her?!" I gasped in disbelief.
He put his hands in the air, "hey, I tried to talk her out of it."
I looked at him in disbelief, "ugh... I can't believe you. After all you and my sister's been through."
"Hey, I couldn't let Asle loose, now can I?"
I sigh, he's got a point.
He shrugged, "and hey, she made me promise."
I looked at him, confused, "promise what?"
He leaned on his staff, "that I'd take care of you like she should. Your sister loves you, you know."
I nodded, "and I love her."
He chuckled, "and I love her."
I laughed and punched him playfully, "that's a different kind of love."
He nodded, "you bet on it."
"I can't believe you'll be my future brother."
He shrugged, "well..."
I straightened my glare.
He put his hands up in defense, "kidding! Now c'mon. Let's go see Elsa."
"She's awake." Sir Pabbie informed us.
I ran inside and towards Elsa.
"What happened?" she asked, dazed.
Jack walked behind me. I looked at him as he leaned on his staff, "I... kinda knocked you out."
"Oh..." Elsa sighed, "I transformed?"
Jack nodded, "boy Elsa, you gotta keep this under control."
"Well, what if I can't?!" Elsa shouted.
"I'm sure you can!" I tell her.
"I know you can. You've done it before." Jack reassured her.
Elsa shrugged, "I'm... I'm not so sure..."
"You should be sure." I tell her.

I walked through the hallways with people giving me uneasy looks.
Of course, I was possessed by some King of the Nightmares and the suddenly everyone hates me.
Everyone, that is, except for my real friends.
I tried to stay as small as possible, I'm ashamed of what happened. Then I felt a hard punch on my shoulder that made me stumble.
"Hey!" I blurted as I turned to face the culprit.
"That, was for breaking up with me and every other stupid thing you've done that made me feel useless."
I rubbed my shoulder where she hit me, "sorry Astrid, Pitch had me under his contro-"
She grabbed my collar and pulled me in for a kiss. Man, this reminded me of our first kiss.
"That, that was for saving me." she blushed.
I smiled at her, "so... we're back on?"
She laughed and punched me again.
"Owww... I'll take that as a yes." I replied.

I sat down at the Ravenclaw table for the Feast.
"This was another fantastic year!" Littlemore spoke, "and what a year it was!"
Mixed comments of 'yeeeess!!', 'totally', 'oh yeah!' and 'duh' filled the hall.
He clasped his hands together, "I believe the awarding for the House Cup is in order."
Everyone clapped, and others whistled.
"In fourth place, it's Hufflepuff, with three-hundred and seventy-six points."
The Hufflepuffs clapped and gave each other pats on the back. I heard some say, "let's do better next year."
Littlemore raised his hands for silence, "and in third place... Slytherin, with three-hundred and seventy-seven points!"
"Yes!" someone said. Some of the Hufflepuffs grumbled.
"It's only a point, heck!" a Hufflepuff whined.
"In second place, Gryffindor, with three-hundred and ninety-nine points!"
The Gryffindors clapped like good sports as the Ravenclaws shouted and cheered.
"And the House Cup goes to... Ravenclaw!"
Littlemore was immediately drowned out by us screaming and cheering.
"...with four-hundred and sixteen points!"
We cheered and hugged each other- except Elsa.
Elsa just smiled and occasionally pumped her hand in the air in victory.
"Woo!" she shouted, then she went composed again. I went over to her.
"Loosen up, Else!" I shouted to be heard over the noise, "we're leaving for home tomorrow, you gotta be part of the festivities! You're Ravenclaw too!"
She smiled uneasily, "I... I guess... but now's not the time."
I nodded, "uh... sure."

I applauded with the others. I looked at Anna, who was beaming.
"My sister's in Ravenclaw!" she shouted.
The noise disappeared when Littlemore put a charm to make his voice louder, "quiet!"
Everyone silenced.
"Please take your seats. Thank you."
Everyone sat down.
"Now, today is the last day of the school year, and as you may know, our programmees are now able to move up to their ages' appropriate year!"
We all applauded.
"Now," he continued, "of Arendelle, Elsa. Frost, Jack. Next year, you will move up to your year level, in the seventh year!"
Everyone applauded, especially the sixth years.
"We'll be classmates next year!" one of them said.
"of Arendelle, Anna. of Corona, Rapunzel. You would be in the sixth year!"
Applause filled the air again.
"And finally, Haddock, Hiccup. Thorston, Ruffnut. Igerman, Fishlegs. Hofferson, Astrid. of Dunbroch, Merida. You will move up to the fifth year!"
I smiled. That's not so bad, right?
"Happy summer, everyone! And, see you next year."
We applauded again as Littlemore left the stand.
"That was mental, wasn't it?" I told Anna as I stared at the ceiling from my bed, "and I can't believe this year's finally over, and we're going home tomorrow!"
"Pack!" Anna said, wand pointed at her case. Immediately, her belongings flew into the case neatly, then the case zipped itself shut.
"I can't believe we're finally going home!" she smiled, "I miss Arendelle, Kristoff, Olaf, Sven..."
I looked at her oddly.
"Well, you wouldn't know them." Anna sighed, flopping onto her bed.
"By the way you say the name 'Kristoff'," Mary interrupted, "I'm guessing he's your love."
"My true love..." Anna replied, dreamily.
"Gross." I grunted.
Anna laughed, "cringe all you want, I still love him."
I nodded, "yeah, whatever."
"Go to sleep guys," Catherine sighed, "the train leaves at eleven, you don't want to miss it."
"Fine. Goodnight guys." Anna said.
"Goodnight." I said.
"Goodnight." the others said.
I pointed my wand at the light switch and the lights turned off.

*Asle is pronounced Ais lee. It is the reverse of ELSA = ASLE

Sorry for the late update! I watched Captain America: The Winter Soldier, so yeah, was at the mall almost the whole day.

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