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CHAPTER TWO: Diagon Alley

"Olivander's?" I asked Elsa.
Elsa sighed and wiped her hands on her dress; cyan with snowflake patterns until her knees; and nodded, "looks like the place."
We entered the store, greeted by hundreds of thousands of small, rectangular boxes.
"Ahh, what'll we be having?" the old man at the counter asked us.
"My sister needs," I looked in the scroll, "a wand of some sort. I heard this is the place where wands are bought?"
The old man nodded.
Elsa smiled, "so you must be Olivander. Where can I pick a wand?"
Olivander shook his head, "you don't pick the wand, the wand picks you."
Elsa and I look at each other.
"C'mere." he told Elsa, showing her a velvet red coloured box.
He opened it and gently placed it in her hands.
"Dragons' tears and unicorn hair." he murmured.
Elsa held the wand in her right hand.
"Well?" Olivander asked as if we were stupid, "give it a wave!"
Elsa shook the wand slowly.
"No, no." he reprimanded, "you look too old to be first years."
Elsa nodded, "but we just received our letters."
Olivander taught Elsa how to wave her wand.
"Go on..." he coaxed.
Elsa waved the wand. Immediately, the wand froze. She gasped in horror and dropped the wand.
"How unusual." Olivander murmured, "I've never seen a wand freeze like that before. I don't know if it's picked you or if it didn't."
Elsa picked the wand up and placed it on the table. "I... I'm sorry."
Olivander took the wand and set it aside. "Don't fret. I got thousands more."
"I really don't think I should." Elsa said frantically. A circle of ice appeared on the floor beneath her.
"Elsa, calm down." I told her.
Olivander, piecing two and two together, looked at the floor.
"The power to control ice and snow." he murmured, "fascinating."
Elsa looked at him, "are there others like me?"
He shook his head, "not that I know of. Control over ice and snow is an ability even rarer than parseltongue."
He stood up, "I think I know the wand for you."
He disappeared into the back.
"Anna, I don't know."
I patted her shoulder, "don't worry! Olivander says it's rare. Special."
Olivander reappeared with a royal purple coloured box and a mid blue coloured one.
"Ice elemental wands for ice elemental magic. Try these." he first handed the royal purple box to Elsa.
Elsa took the wand from inside the box.
"Troll tears and dragon's breath wrapped in mahogany wood and elder wood strips." he said, "specially made for wizards and witches like you."
Elsa flinched. The word 'witch' was something she didn't really like.
Elsa gave the wand a wave. The flowers in the vase on Olivander's desk froze and shattered.
Elsa, panicked, frantically put the wand back in the box. "I'm so sorry. I think I should go now."
Olivander opened the mid blue coloured box. "Miss, please try this one. Phoenix ashes and mermaid's tears encased in oakwood."
Elsa looked at it. "No. No, I can't. I really can't."
I took the wand and placed it in Elsa's hand.
"Anna, I can't."
I looked at her, "I know you can. If this doesn't work, we go back to Arendelle and forget this ever happened."
Elsa nodded, "fine. Just, just stand back. I don't want to freeze your heart again."
I nodded.
"Well? Give it a wave." Olivander coaxed.
Elsa bit her lip. She looked at the wand. She waved it.
Instantly, the tip of the wand glowed with a bright light. A sudden gust filled the place, then it was gone.
"That's it. That's your wand."
"Yay!" I cheered.
Olivander place Elsa's new wand in its box, then looked at me. "How about you?"
I shook my head. "No, I have no powers."
"But you received a Hogwarts scroll, now didn't you?"
I nodded.
"That means you do have powers, abet not like your sister's possibly." he handed me the wand Elsa froze, now unfrozen.
I gave it a wave.
The wand's tip lit up, like what Elsa's wand did.
"That's a first." Olivander said, "the last time someone got their wand at the first try was Henry Turnbeck, sixteen decades ago."
I nodded. "Alright. Thank you."
He placed the wand in its velvet red box.

"Excuse me," I told a guy in a viking outfit, "do you know where ay can buy these?"
I showed him my scroll and pointed at the book list.
"You're new too huh?" the blonde viking girl said.
The viking boy said, "We were just gonna head over there... if we can find my other friends. Want to tag along?"
I nod, "sure."
"I'm Hiccup Horrendous Haddock III of Berk, this is Astrid Hofferson, my girlfriend." he said.
Astrid nodded to confirm this.
"Ay'm Merida of DunBroch." I said.
"Well, Merida. Let's head over to that booky place... if we can find Fishlegs and Ruffnut." Astrid added.
Hiccup looked at her, "Fishlegs said he'd go to the candy store."
"Ay think ay saw ah candy store somewhere here." I told them, "I can take you there."
They nod, "lead the way, Merida."
We entered the confectioner store. A huge sign overhead read, 'offers over a thousand varieties of candies and now offering candies from the twentieth century!'
"Marshmallow mice?" Hiccup cringed.
Astrid looked in one of the jars, "blood flavoured lollipops?"
"Cool." Hiccup went over to Astrid.
I looked at the blood red coloured lollipops. "What weirdo would want this?"
"I would."
We turned around. A girl with a pixie hairdo and dark clothes stood there with her pale arms crossed.
"Sorry." I murmured.
She sneered at us. "I'm Mavis, the daughter of Dracula. Student at Beaubaxton. I can see you freaks are going to Hogwarts."
Hiccup hid his robes. "Bow baton?"
She sneered, "Beaubaxton! B-E-A-U-B-A-X-T-O-N!"
"Mavis!" a girl shouted halfway across the store, "are you getting your lollies or what?"
"Relax, Rina!" Mavis shouted, then she snatched the blood lollipops and walked away, head held high.
"Geez." Hiccup grunted, "and I thought Snotlout had an attitude."
I looked around the shop and spotted a huge guy in a viking outfit in the free taste section, digging his huge fingers into a jar labelled liquorice snakes.
"Is that Fishlegs?" I asked them. Hiccup and Astrid turned around.
"Yup." Astrid told me, "hey Fishlegs!"
Fishlegs looked at us. "Oh hey guy- OW!"
Hiccup and Astrid ran over as I followed.
"What?" Hiccup asked.
Fishlegs took his hand out of the jar. "Liquorice snakes, worth the bite. No poison. Strawberry flavour." He held out a liquorice snake, "try it."
Hiccup looked at Astrid nervously. "No thanks."
"Ay'll try one." I volunteered.
Fishlegs nodded, "be my guest."
I take the snake by the head and bit the tail off. The taste of sweet, sugary goodness filled my tongue. I finish off the snake.
"Don't taste like strawberries." I confirm, "strawberries're less sweet. Ay've tasted em with ma horse."
"It's something they call artificial." Fishlegs explained. "Fishlegs."
"Merida." I say.
"Guys, check this out." Astrid held something in her hands. She revealed a brown frog, "chocolate frogs. Not real frogs though, just bewitched."
The frog jumped out of Astrid's hands, but she immediately caught it close to my face and popped it into her mouth.
"Look at this." Hiccup handed us a hexagonal shaped box. "It's some sort of beans in every flavour."
I held my hand out as he poured three beans onto my palm.
Mmmmmmmm... berries.
Mmmmmmmm... cheesecake.
Gross! What's this?!
I spat out the last bean and it's caught in midair by some sort of flying spittoon.
"That was terrible!" I cried.
"Jelly beans." a blonde girl with an innocent, high pitched accent with a low voice said, "they were invented for the muggles, but their version of every flavour didn't really mean every flavour."
I look at her, "muggles?"
She nodded, "it's what we call non magical folk."
"Uh, and who are you?" Astrid asked.
She gave a tired smile, "I'm Mary Lovegood*, sister of Robert Lovegood*, the one who started The Quibbler."
"Right..." Hiccup said, nervously.
She saw Hiccup's robes, "oh, Hogwarts transferees? You'd want to head over to Flourish and Blotts for your books."
She gave another tired, sweet smile and walked away.
"Alright..." Fishlegs said, awkwardly, "so, to that Blotts place?"

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