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Chapter 15


The next morning, when I woke up, I felt fine. Not traces of pain or even any body ache. I felt better than fine. It seemed like I had accomplished a task and gone a bit farther ahead in bringing my brother back.

However, I remembered that up until the moment I fell unconscious, the fight was still going on. Judging by the fact that I was now in my chamber, on my bed, in comfortable nightclothes without any trace of injury, I could say that we had won but I still had to confirm. As I sat up, I braced myself for the onslaught of dizziness that usually occurred the day after I take a knock on the head. Here, in Aslan’s blessed land, there was no such thing.

I was able to get up and reach the washroom door when Edmund’s as well as my valet, Martil and Silvo entered. Sighing, I knew I was in for a good long while now. They would not let me leave the room until they were assured that I was presentable, which was a very difficult feat to achieve as long as it was their opinion. Silvo and Martil were excellent valets but they were never satisfied of their work and always thought that they had missed something.

Once they got to work, I hardly had to do anything. After my bath, my mind once again wandered back to my brother. He always said that the most difficult time of his life during our reign in Narnia was the time when Jadis’ curse was in action and I had to go into the Western Wild to get the apple that would heal him.

Not only because of what Jadis had done but also because, he was left at the mercy of not one but two valets. Of course, there were many more times that one of us had been left with both Martil and Silvo alone but for both of us the first time was the most difficult one. That time we had no idea what to expect, but in future, we had braced ourselves for what was to come.

I remembered his laugh as he told me what had happened with the cats and bats and the two valets. However, the voice in my mind changed from that of Edmund’s laughter to his agonized scream when Tash had taken him. My hands balled up into fists and I felt like punching the thing nearest to me. Luckily, the thing nearest to me was the head of my loyal valet and I was able to control myself.

“Store up your anger Peter.” I told myself. “You’ll have a nice opportunity to put them to good use soon enough.”

After the two valets deemed me ‘okay’, I walked down the hall towards Lucy’s room. Outcome of the fight could wait; I had to check on my little sister. She was sleeping peacefully in her bed, the comforters tucked neatly up to her chin. I walked up to her and placed a soft kiss to her forehead. “Rest dear.”

With that done, I now made my way towards Caspian’s chambers. I had to see that he was okay as well. Ever since Edmund had been taken, he had been a constant support and encouragement to all of us. However, I met Professor Kirke and Aunt Polly on my way there. They were standing there and talking quietly to Jill and Eustace. When they saw me, I was waved forward to come to them.

I joined there little group. We were in the middle of a hallway, standing beside a large, and stained glass window. Armours of two knights had been placed on either side. The sill of the window was large and cushioned. It was on that that Lady Polly and Jill were sitting. Professor Kirke and Eustace were standing. When I came, Jill and Aunt Polly were about to stand up as was curtsey in Narnia but I waved my hand gestured them to keep sitting.

“Peter, so, how are you?” Lady Polly asked, concern evident in her voice.

“I’m fine.” I replied with a smile. “How is everyone else?”

Professor Kirke was the one to reply. “Everyone else is also doing well. It seemed you, Sarah and Caspian were the only one who were injured. Once the bat of the Castle garden heard your distress signal, she was quick to alert the entire Castle.”

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