Explanations and plans

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*Nancy started a chat*
*Nancy added Mike, Eleven*

Nancy: don't forget that we have to go trick or treating with Holly before hanging out with the others
Eleven: ??
Mike: it's when you walk through town in costume and ring people's doorbells to get candy. Only acceptable on Halloween
Eleven: that last sentence was necessary
Mike: I know you, I know it was :p
Nancy: before I barf, Mike, you eating at the Byers' or here?
Mike: I'll go ask.
Mike: I'm eating here
Nancy: can I too? Mom made *shudders* mushroom soup
Mike: 2/3 of her children hate mushrooms and she doesn't like it that much either yet she still keeps making it
Nancy: ik, makes no sense
Eleven: I like mushrooms
Mike: We're over
Eleven: wow
Nancy: Mike, you're somehow gaining a bit of El's savageness
Nancy: gotta go, mom says dinner is ready
Mike: good luck
Nancy: I'll need it
*Nancy left the chat*
Mike: remind me again why Will has been sleeping in your room for the past few weeks
Eleven: Jonathan and his new boyfriend are both dicks
Mike: language
Eleven: mouth breathers
Mike: better
Eleven: why are we texting?
Mike: because I'm awkward and you're a pretty girl
Mike: my brain just freezes when I see you
Eleven: I-I don't know how to respond to that
Eleven: wait I do have something I wanna say
Eleven: Will told me you play the piano?? You never told me??
Mike: I suck at it
Eleven: I'll be the judge of that
Mike: oh no
Eleven: oh yes, we're gonna sneak into a music room this Monday
Mike: let's just focus on Halloween for now
*Eleven kicked Mike*
*Eleven left the chat*


*Will started a chat*
*Will added Henry*

Will: can I come over? I miss you and I don't feel like listening to Mike and El make out all night
Henry: now's not a good time
Will: I hear ya
Will: is there any way for you to sneak out without him seeing you?
Henry: no, I'm trapped
Will: I'm sick of him treating you like this
*Will left the chat*
Henry: what did I ever do to deserve you
*Henry left the chat*


*Will started a chat*
*Will added Hop*

Will: Henry's. Now
Jim: I hear ya
Will: thanks
Jim: he's safe, bringing him to you
Will: thank you
Will: I owe you
*Jim left the chat*
*Will left the chat*


*Steve started a chat*
*Steve added Nancy, Dustin, Lucas, Mike, Max, Eleven, Henry, Will*

Steve: what time did we agree on again?
Nancy: we won't be there until 8
Nancy: going ToT ing with Holly (and El)
Dustin: we'll be there around 7.30
Steve: okay, everyone got everything they needed to bring?
Max: yup
Steve: good, now go to sleep, we've got an intense day ahead of us
*Steve kicked all*
*Steve left the chat*

The end will be posted on April 30th. This mess of a "book" is coming to an end.

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