Hot chocolate and endings

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And there they stood.

To you and I they looked like seven kids around a campfire.

To Troy they looked like a failed experiment, a crybaby, someone running from a troubled past, someone who'd been through a living hell but annoyingly survived, someone who hadn't gotten over the death of someone he'd known for just a few months, someone with a medical condition which made him below Troy, someone with skin so dark Troy could barely make him out in the shadows of the night as he stood at the edge of the forest.


To Steve, however, they looked like a small girl that was brave when she shouldn't need to be, a boy so in love that he'd be willing to go to hell and back to save her, someone brave enough to stand up for herself and say No, someone who'd lived through hell and was still always there for those he loved, someone who was fighting his demons every day but never gave up, someone who would do anything to make his friends feel better, the most loyal person he'd ever known. Steve could see them all so clearly in his dreams as he snuggled into Nancy.

Not alone.

To Eleven they looked like the person she'd always wanted to be and finally became, the most loving and generally amazing person she'd ever met, the bravest girl she knew, the best friend someone could possibly wish for, the one person who understood her at any time, the person she could always talk to no matter what, the one who would always protect her even when she could do it herself. She turned to Mike and kissed him, overwhelmed with love.

Not alone anymore.

And years passed by and life had its way with the group of kids. They moved on, they forgot some things. And yes, some things are best left forgotten. But now, sitting here on my bed, finishing this story, I realize that maybe, just maybe, I should make them remember. Make them feel the joy, the pain, the ups, the downs. Maybe I should find them, and get them together again. Or maybe I should just drink the hot chocolate that my husband, George, just brought me.

Holly Wheeler

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