Chapter 5

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"Nikki there is something I want to tell you." He said. I smiled and responded "Yeah me to but you go first." I said to him. "Nikki I'm breaking up with you." He said grinning. My heart dropped as I stood there as I tried to hold back tears. "Why John after 3 fucking years?!" I asked him raising my voice with it slightly cracked. "Oh don't play innocent I know what you did you slut?!" He yelled. The door opened to revealed Eve. "What do you want Eve?!" I asked annoyed with a tear on my cheek. "Hey don't get mad at me because your slut." She said smirking. "Shut up you bitch!!" I yelled but John put his arm around Eve. "Don't talk to my girlfriend like that you disgusting whore!!" I couldn't hold it back tears came down my eyes not only of sadness but anger. "John why are you doing this to me when I have been nothing but a good loyal girlfriend to you." I said with my voice broken. "Your such a lying bitch eve told me what me you did!" He said. "What did I fucking do John?" John I said not telling because of my voice. "Oh don't act like you don't know you have been cheating with me with Seth." My jaw dropped. "What she's lying I never cheated on you." I said with you have to beleive me face. Suddenly a hand came in contact with my face as I fell down. Did John just slap me?!? "John why are doing this I'm pregnant with your child for fucking sakes!!" I yelled. Tears fell out my eyes so much that the floor could be a pond. "Well get rid of that bastard nobody wants its kill it!" He yelled as I began to son loudly as they opened the door and left. I stood there for what it seems like a hour sobbing holding my stomach. The door opened to reveal Brie. "Omg Nikki what happened?" As she helped me off the floor and hugs me rubbung my back as I lay my head on her shoulder and cry into it. I couldn't say anything at the moment so I just cried she forced me into saying anything gladly. After 1p more seconds we let go. "Come on Nikki it's time to go." She said holding my hand and dragging me to the lockeroom. I packed my all my gear preparing to leave. "Brie John broke up with me because Eve lied to him and told him I was cheating on him with Seth and I told him I was pregnant and...he called the baby....a bastard.....and said to kill it." I say in between breaths. She pulled me into a hug. "I'm so sorry Nikki but John is a dick for what he said to you and you deserve someone better anyway." She said trying to give me confront. She then pulled me away by the shoulders "Okay let's go before John sees you leaving." She said to ne as I nodded scared to talk. I grabbed my stuff abd was walking to the exit to see Bryan. He pulled me into hug knowing that I was pregnant. I hugged him back and pulled away as he helped carry my stuff to the car. When Bryan was done I said something "Thank you guys for all of your support." I say wiping my tears with a sad smile. "Nikki you don't have to say thank you I'm your twin sister you will always have my support." She said I nodded "Well I will see you later were coming over to your house later on." She said. I nodded and got in the car with the windows down "Okay bye guys see you later." I say putting the car on  reverse  backing out and leaving. I look at tge review mirrors to see them waving. Tears fell as I began driving home.

I got home and took everything in side I went in my bedroom and looked at myself in the mirror as my tear stained face and red eyes. I slowly lifted up my shirt to see a bump lying on my stomach. I giggled breathlessly and began rubbing it gently. As I was still rubbing it I sat on in bed and started thinking. I never want to see John but it's going to be hard because we live in the same area in San Diego, California. I'm going to have to move....

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