Chapter 6

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7 months Later
So here I am with a huge swollen belly 8 months stuffing my face in ice cream watching John wrestle. I know pathetic right. But I just can't help it my baby boy wants his father wrestle because every time I turned the channel on the T.V. and it shows John he keeps kicking which I enjoy feeling. "Oh Nikki you still have not gotten over him yet." Nana said in the kitchen. "Trust me I totally have." I say not taking me my eyes off the T.V. "Whatever Nicole." She said to me not buying it. I ignore and continue to stuff my face with Oreo ice cream. Sometimes I watch because I want to but that doesn't mean I still like him it means my hormones is going through the roof and I just need to see him shirtless. "Nicole don't you need to start packing the hospital bag?" She asked coming to sit down next to me. "Yeah but I'm going to wait until brie and Nattie gets here." I say. Yep you heard right brie is coming! I can't wait I haven't seen them in so long! They insisted to help pack my hospital bag. "So until she gets here you just going to sit trying to get brain freeze and watch your ex fighting shirtless." She said. My nana is pretty sassy for a 73 year old. "Yep pretty much." I said with a sarcastic smile. I looked at the tv to see John carry Dean Ambrose on his shoulders which made me more horny. "Nikki your going to be a mother less than three days and than you have to go back to San Diego with the baby you have to start preparing to actually see John." She said and she was right soon I'm going to have to face John and at least let him see his son he has the right to see him. The door bell echoed through the house thankfully saving me from talking about this. "I'll get it." I said getting up and walking more like wobbling to the door. I opneed it to see the one and only BRIE AND NATTIE!! "Hey guys!" I say letting them in and hugging them. "Hey." they said. Nattie gasped "Omg look at you soon to be mother." She said putting her hand on my huge belly. "Looks like little Cena is ready to pop out." Brie said bumping her shoulder against mine. I giggled "Yep he can't wait to see his daddy." I say rubbing my stomach. "So when are you going to have the little guy?" Nattie asked me. "Sometime tomorrow which is why we should really get started packing the bag." I say walking to the stairs with them trailing behind. "Hello girls." Nana said to them. They said hey back and continued following me up the stairs. "So how is the nursery coming a long?" I asked brie walking into my room. "It's going great Randy is help Bryan with the nursery." She said sitting down on the mini couch. "Guys thank you for everything I really appreciate it." I say looking at them with my hand over my heart with tears coming in my eyes. "Nikki we are always here for you and little Cena no matter what don't put so much stress on yourself the baby will pop out tomorrow." Nattie said. "I know it's just that when I come back John is going to already know that I was pregnant with his baby and I'm going to have to face him and it's just going to hurt because he doesn't even want to be apart of the baby's life." I say wiping the tears off my face. "Actully ever since you left John has changed he has been really depressed and he started sleeping around with girls he is really lost without you. I talked to John and he really regrets everything he did and he said he does really want to be apart of the baby's life. He knows what Eve said was a lie he found out a week after what happened." Tears were going down my face. No matter what they said it was just going to be hard to forgive him after everything he did. "You know can we stop talking about it let's get started." I said walking to the closet but Brie stopped me. "Nikki, John wants to get back together with you......"

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