Chapter 27

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Eve grabbed John by the shirts and has the nerve to forcefully share his and hers pda. John pushes back as I stand there with rage. "Get! Out!" I said pausing between words. She walks out with a smile swaying her hips. John walks forward to me with a questioning guilt expression. "Nicole I'm so sorry she just came in here and-" I cut him off by pulling him towards me and giving him a hard, long kiss as he wrapped his arms around my waist. After a minute I pulled back breathless after that long kiss. "You're mine and only mine nobody's else." I said with a demanding voice holding him by the shirt looking him into his sparkling ocean blue eyes. "You're hot when your angry and demanding." John said smirking pretty sure who is turned on by that hot sexy kiss. I smiled and rolled my eyes and pushed him back letting go of my shirt. "Yeah and your junior says so to." I said laughing looking at the bulge in John's pants. John's face turns deep red as he notice that it is visible. "I'm going to go take care of that." He said as he started walking to the bathroom that was in my room. I giggled "Yeah you do that." I said as he close the door. There was a knock on the door. "Come in!" I yelled. The door opened to reveal Brie, Randy, and my baby boy. "Hey guys!" I said exitedly as I reached for Anthony as he did the same. Randy handed my Anthony as they replied back with a hey. "He gave us a rough night he cried the whole night like someone was trying to kill him." Brie said with a tired face. Anthony giggled as I kissed his cheek. "He just missed his mommy and daddy." I said holding him. "Where's John?" Randy asked. I blushed as the recent moment. "He is in the bathroom." I said quietly. "Mhmmmm." Brie said smirking at me as I blushed harder. "So when are going home?" Brie asked changing the subject. "Uh I don't know i just woke up from being unconscious." I said. As they nodded. After an hour of John joining us and us talking and laugubg the doctor walked in. "Hello Ms. Garcia Colace it looks like you ribs are completely healed all you just have is a few scars so you will be able to leave tomorrow because we have to run a few test to see if everything is alright one more time." She said with a congratulating smile. I jump on the bed with exitment thinking about leaving this place and being free to do whatever I been doing. I nodded at the information with a smile. "Thank you." I said to her as she nodded humming a yes. "Finally I'm free!" I said with a 'I made it' voice. John nodded. "Yes aand then the next day you have to wake up at 5:00 am and start working out for WrestleMania 33." He said dragging out the and. "Hahha!" Brie said playfully as Randy and John and Brie laughed at the disappointment. I smirked. "You John I actually had something very special planned for you tomorrow but I guess since you think it's so funny..." I said trailing off with a too bad face. John face lit up. "Nicole I was kidding!" He said innocently while I smirked. "Say daddy is being a bad boy isn't he Anthony." I said making Anthony face his dad. "Da da." I gasp at the words that came out of Anthony mouth. "Did you you just said da da." John said with a bright smile grabbing Anthony. "Say yes because I'm a big boy." Brie said smiling. "Oh my gosh who have been teaching him to say da da me and John haven't been lately." I said with joy. "That would be me." I looked over and saw it was Randy. "We was watching WWE and John popped up on the screen and Anthony started smiling and crawling to the T.V. and I tried all night to get him say da da." He said smiling. "Randy how did you do that we couldn't get him to say it." I said amazement. "What can I say they call me the baby whisper." He said whispering baby whisper. We laughed at his goofiness. "What can you say Anthony loves his dad I remember when I was pregnant and when I was watching WWE and John had a interview he started kicking me non-stop." I said laughing at the memory. I didn't mention to them I was really watching him because I had extreme hormones. "Well it is obvious that he is equally a daddy's boy and a mommy's boy." Said John as he throw Anthony in the air and catching him making Anthony laugh. No matter what happens I got my two favorite boys by my side no matter what and that is all that matters....

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