Chapter 22

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I was on my way to the arena with know crying filling my car but quietness thankfully. Yesterday was the Hall of Fame that is also thankfully out of the way. I'm still thinking about what Eve said. Was she really going to do anything to break John and I up. Well that's not going to happen I will do anything to keep us together. What is up with girls always wanting to steal John away from Me. I mean I get it he is the most hottest Superstar there but really! Even a woman in there thirty's would try to go for John and John is only 25 and I'm 24. Yes I had Anthony at a young age when I was 23 and John was 24 it's not a crime. I get pulled out of ny thoughts when I realize I'm already there. I got out the car walked in with everybody greeting me with heys and hi's. I walked in the girls lockeroom and to see the person I dread the most Eve. We didn't say anything to each other just the way I liked it but she did looked at me and smirked and sashayed away. Putting all my gear away I went to catering and grabbed me a plate of food and sat by myself eating while checking my facebook, instragram, etc. I felt a presence behind me and saw it was. A smiled instantly formed on my face. I didn't get to see him this morning because he have to be here ealier than I do. "Hey Johnny Boy." I said hugging him and kissing his cheek. "Hey Nicole sorry but I have to cancel date night I have something to do all day today." My smile instantly dropped and my brows furrowed. "Oh." I said in a voice of sorrow as I put my head down. John put his finger on my chin and lifted my head to make my brown eyes to meet his ocean sparkling blue ones. "Hey baby I promise I will make it up to you." He said and gently kissed my lips softly making me tremble. He pulled back and picked my lips once again and left once again. Tears starting to form in my eyes but blinked them away. I know it's stupid that I'm crying over something silly as that but me and John hardly ever have time to be yound and free and be a couple now that Anthony was born and John being 15× champion meaning that he travels everywhere more than any other superstar or diva. It has always been my dream to get hitched with John but he doesn't even want that hell he didn't even want kids and I see why but I don't regret having Anthony  at all. I guess I just wished we could be a little more active in our relashonship. "Nikki!" I heard Brie shout my name making me jump of the volume of her voice. "Brie did you really have to call my name that loud." I said rubbing my earlobe. "Well I didn't have any choice you were totally zoned out." She said looking at me weird. "Sorry it's just John has been acting weird lately he even canceled date night again which happened a few time but lately it's like he is keeping something from me." I added all up John has been secretive lately. She laughed nervously. "I mean I sure it cant be that bad right." She said with a shaky voice. I looked at her with my suspicious look. "Brie do you know something?" I said narrowing my eyes at her. "No why would I know something about John that you don't." She said trying to be cool. I slowly got up from my seat and took my seat. "Yeah okay...I think I will be gone now." I said weirdly. What was that all  about. I shrugged my shoulders and throw my trash away and and felt the need to go to the bathroom. I was going down the dark hall finding my way to the bathroom. I felt a powerful strike me in the face and suddenly my vision turns black....

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