Chapter 9

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"Ugh! Shut up!" I say smacked the alarm and got out of bed half sleep. I ran the shower making sure it was hot water and jumped in. Once I was done I dried off and put on my victoria secret lotion and panties and bras. I straighten my brownish blondish hair making longer and did my makeup which was Smokey eye and red lipstick and eyeliner. I wanted to look my best for my return so I dresses into a black strapped crop top and a white skirt with strapped heels.

 I wanted to look my best for my return so I dresses into a black strapped crop top and a white skirt with strapped heels

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I walked out my room and walked in Anthony's to see that he is already awake moving his arms. "Well, good morning handsome." I said lifting him up carrying him to the changing table. I stares at him for a long time in his eyes scared. Looking at him makes me nervous it just gives me a visual of the famous John Cena who left for another woman. Everytime I hug Anthony it's like I'm hugging John all over again. I swallow back tears and lifted the changing table to see a mini bath. It's really cool all you got to do is fill it up with cleaned water and that is it and have your soap. I unchanged Anthony and give him a quick bath and changed him to some cute clothes that are comfy.

 I unchanged Anthony and give him a quick bath and changed him to some cute clothes that are comfy

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I fed Anthony really quick and grabbed my purse and his baby bag and buckled him into the car. I ran inside the driver's side and began to drive there. I bit my lip and tapped my fingers nervously and kept glancing at Anthony to see he was fully awake looking around without a care in a world. I smiled and continued to drive to WWE. I stop at a red light and turned to my right to see the Arena awaiting. My heart felt like it was going to explode. I turned on my signal light and turned around the corner and found a parking space. I put the car on park and turned it off and got out and stared at the arena with scared eyes and grabbed Anthony out his car seat and my purse. I walked in to see nobody was there so I went straight to Stephanie office without bumping into anybody. I knocked on the door and she yelled a come in. I opened the door with a smile. She looked up with a surprised face. "Oh my God Nikki hi." She said walking up and hugging me as I said hi back she pulled away and looked at the baby in my arms with wide eyes. She pointed to him "Is this him?" I laughed and nodded. She grabbed him "Oh my God he looks just like John. Omg he so cute." She said him while smiling at him. "Yep meet Anthony John Garcia Colace-Cena." I said to her. "How old is he?" She asked him. "Only a month." I said to her as she was gaping at him. "So where is Everybody?" I asked her with a confused face. "Oh they are all in catering." She said handing him back to me. "So, are you nervous about seeing John did you tell him?" She asked. "Yeah he knows he just never seen him before which really makes me nervous." I say to her look down. "I will walk you down to Catering." She said opening the door for me. We walked down the hall to Catering as she opened the door everybody eyes were on us. Everybody came huddling towards which was only about 10 people. Randy was the first to come over and pulled me into a hug. "Oh my God Nikki I haven't seen you in along time how are you?" He asked me. I smiled at him "I'm better than ever you guys meet Anthony." Eeverybody start to awe all over him. Until Carmella said something. "Oh my God who is so gorgeous girl anto be like that have to have a sexy father who is he?" Carmella said with her hip hop slang. I turned nervous by the question. "That's something only for me to know." Is at playing it off with a giggle. Niomi stepped in. "Dang he looks exactly like John." She said staring at him. I laughed nervously "I wonder why?" I said clueless. I need to get out here or they're going to catch on. "Well nice seeing you guys again." I said walking to the door leaving them. I closed the door and breath out and walked to the diva's lockeroom. I walked in to see a lot of Diva's. They came rushing over hugging me. "OMG Nikki you look great who is this little guy?" Paige said in her British accent smiling at Anthony playing with his hand as Anthony adorably stares at her. I giggled "This is Anthony." I said to them as the admire him. "Ugh he is just the cutest thing." Charolett said looking at him as he was food and haven't eaten anything in a year. "Hey no hitting on my baby boy." I said bringing him closer with playful smile we laugh. Soon, Brie and Nattie walks in. "Hey Nikki." Brie and Nattie said casually with a smile because they saw yesterday. I smiled "Hey, so does that whore Eve still here?" I asked them as they laughed and shook there heads. "Nope she left because she had the chance to become a model so she took it." Brie said. Yess! I though in my head. I smiled "Good because if sas her I would have probably got fired." I said as they laughed. "Sorry Nikki I got to go I have a match in two mins wish me luck." She said jogging out the lockeroom. I turned back to Brie. "So brie is there any sign of John out there?" I asked her. Right now I'm still not ready to see him so I feel like I should start getting ready because I'm going to have to face him at some point. She sighed. "Nicole you need to tell him. I cat keep on telling you of yes looking for you not." She said. I nodded at her. "You know what you're right for now on I am not going to stress about....but Is he out there right now or?" I asked her curious. She looked at me annoyed "Nikki!" She said fustratedly." I rolled my eyes "Fine!" I said and walked out going back to Catering. When I got there i tried opening the glass floor but I couldn't because I had a baby in my arms. I turned to see a man with a cap with a phone in his hand faces the other way. "Uh, excuse sit can you open the door for me please." I said politely. The person turned around and I was scared to see. "Nicole?"

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