Chapter 12: This Sucks

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I wake up again to some more beeping.  Same steady sound, just as aggravating as always. 

I sigh and turn my head to the side. 

I see a stack of cards on my bedside table.  I smile and sit up. 

I grab the one closest to me.  It’s from Sam. 

Sorry you tore your ACL or whatever. 

~ S

I laugh.  Despite the few words, it’s comforting to know that my friends are behind me and realize how much this sucks. 

I read the rest of the cards.  There’s even one from Kristy in there. 

I just put down the last one when Dr. Walker walked in. 

“So, how are you feeling now Mia?”, he asks. 

“Okay”, I answer truthfully. 

“Well, I guess I can’t ask for more than that”. 

I nod my head and he speaks again. 

“Your mother and your coach, Mike?  They have concluded that surgery would suit your lifestyle best.  Are you up for that?”. 


I guess my upset showed on my face. 

“I know it sounds scary, but it’s really not that bad.  It doesn’t even hurt to be honest.  And it will make it so much easier and faster to come back to gymnastics”. 

I guess I don’t have much of a choice.  I nod my head. 

“I figured you’d say that.  Your surgery is scheduled for next Wednesday”. 

I spend the rest of the week moping in my room.  I couldn’t stand up or walk around, so I basically ate ice cream all day long.  And watched TV.  I was really upset I was missing the competition.   

Finally, I woke up on Wednesday morning.  Dr. Walker came in with his clipboard and a cart full of needles and medicine.  He quickly checked me over and nodded as he scratched away on his paper.  He nods to somebody outside and two doctors come in wearing white masks. 

They walk over to the cart and fill up needles with colored fluid.  Before I could even say a word, they injected me with the meds. 

Another team of doctors starts pushing my gurney down the hallway.  My mom is holding my hand, telling me it’s all going to be okay.  I guess I should be a little more emotional, but to be honest?  I wasn’t really sure what was going on.  

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