Chapter 28: Good Practice

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Chapter 28: 

I walked into gym that day with a new state of mind.  I actually had a chance.  There are real people out there who actually believe in me and my gymnastics.  And I want to take this opportunity.  

“Hi, Coach Bart”, I greet him as I walk in the door.  I wonder about Catt, and what she would think of all of this.  Or what Sam would do.  Coach Bart nods to me as I walk back into the team room.  

I greet the girls there.  “Hey Mia”, they say.  I was excited for this practice.  I was the first one dressed and out into the gym.  

I lead strength and stretch today.  I love doing that.  I take my time doing each stretch, instead of rushing through it like Kristy or Halli or Britt.  I stay silent too.  I don’t waste time talking and I don’t distract myself like that either.  

We start on bars.  I rush over and strap on my grips quickly.  I’m the first on done and I start setting the bars.  Today, I have Alex, Naomi,  Nancy, and Laney in my group.  I’m only 13, making me the second youngest of the group (Naomi is 12).  I don’t mind.  I like being at the younger end because that means I’m better than the older girls.  

Coach Bart saunters over wearing an orange top and black and white Adidas shorts.  “How are you ladies doing today”, he asks.

“Good”, we chorus back.  I want to wait for a quieter time to tell him my mom agreed.  I really hope this teaches me a lot.  

I start our warmup.  Today, it’s pretty basic.  Kip, cast handstand, half pirouette, kip, squat on, giant, giant, flyaway.  We have to stick 3.  I make them all in a row, and only Alex finishes before me.

“What’s my next assignment”, I ask him.  

“Real quick, Mia.  What did your mom say about the clinic?”

I glance around to look at everybody else.  I hope they don’t hear this.  “She said yes.  Can you email her?” 

“Sure”, he replies.  “Clinic is tomorrow at 9:00 A.M.  I’ll email her tonight”.  I nod my head in agreement.  “Thank you!”

“No problem.  I’m glad you’re so eager.  Now your next assignment is to try 10 good tchatkevs.  If you make them, then only 5.”

I nod my head and run to the pit bar to begin my second assignment.  I love the feeling of the solid wood under my grips.  It makes me feel so in control of the situation.  I don’t mind when I leave traces of blood, I don’t care when it feels like my hands are on fire.  Bars is my event, and I will do anything to keep it that way.  

I swing into a long hand kip, and cast to a perfect handstand.  I check to make sure my feet are pointed and my legs are straight and together before tapping into a giant.  As I come under the bar, I tap hard.  I see my toes and I release, flying over the bar.  I feel my hands grab onto the bar, but it slips through my fingers.  “Ooph”.  I land flat on my front, my hands slapped the mat and left a cloud of chalk dust.  I’m up quickly, and trying again and again.  

I finish my tenth as it’s time to switch events.  I made 3, which is more than usual.  I’m happy about that, but I need to make at least 4/5 next time.  

Beam and floor goes fast.  Before I know it, practice is over and I’m icing my foot at home.  I pick up my phone and scroll through instagram and twitter to pass the time.  

My mom cooked grilled chicken breast and sugar snap peas for dinner, and I hungrily devour it.  I was exhausted.  

“Hey mom, I’m gonna go to bed.  I’m really tired”.  

I start to walk to the stairs, but as I walk past my mom, she grabs my hand.  

“Mia!”, she exclaims, looking at my palm.  “What’s this from?”

“Umm…bars?”, I reply.  “I wash them off and put cream on them so they heal faster”.  

My hands were bloody and raw from bars today, but I honestly didn’t care.  

“Mia, I really don’t understand your love for this sport that’s literally ruining your body”.

I roll my eyes and sigh.  Like I haven’t heard this before.  “Good night, mom”.  

AN: Hey guys!  I'm going on a vacay to France for a little while soon, so I won't really be writing.  But I'll update when I get back!  ILY

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