Chapter 17: And I'm Back

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so I just got hurt.  I'm not goint to say my injury but I'm out of the gym for about a month, and this is the third time.  I'm nervous that I'm not going to be able to come back, so it's kind of ironic that my character, Mia, is recovering while I'm out.  

I walk into the teamroom with my head held high.  Kristy, followed by Hallie and surprisingly Britt, brushed by me.  They hit my shoulder with their and rolled their eyes as they walked by.  I looked at Catt, behind me, and Emma was sitting on the bench with a breakfast bagel.  It's 5:45 and she's eating a breakfast  bagel...I just don't understand her!  Anyways, I noticed something new.  

"Where's Sam?", I ventured.  Emma and Catt both glanced sideways at me and looked back at eachother, scared almost.

"Can you guys tell I'm not in the mood for shit?  If you can't, I'll tell you; I'm not in the mood for bullshit".  I was glaring at both of them.

"Uhhhh...well..." Catt started.

"She's sick" Emma interrupted.

I breathed a sigh of relief.  I thought she quit there for a second.

I pull out a sparkly green leotard with a big cut out in the bag.  I always hated that cutout because my back brace covered most of it.  A little bit at the top always stuck out and Kristy and Halli always made fun of it...I guess Britt now too and probably Miley since they all seem like BFF's now.  

I slipped on my back brace and walked out of the teamroom  with Catt and Emma at my heels.  They kept looking at eachother weird.  What was up?  Was it that weird having me back?  Do they hate me?

"Okay guys, I was only gone 3 months".  

"'s not that".  Whatever.  If they aren't going to say anything, I'm not gonna ask.  

I walked onto the floor and sat down.  A brunette, muscular girl sat down next to me.

"...Alex?"  She was so...pretty!  Her hair was pulled into a high ballerina bun, and her arms and legs were long and lean.  She looked sophisticated but her age in a light pink leo.

"Hey Mia.  How's your foot?"

"Good..." It was weird talking to this girl that I really only practiced with for a week or two.  Naomi and Nancy sat down next to her.  Britt, Laney, Shana, Miley, Kristy, and Halli sat down behind us, no doubt gossiping about some crap.  Lyndsee and Natalia stood by the beams.  They were side by side, each bent over a leg on the beam.  Practice didn't start for 10 more minutes...those girls were crazy.  

"MIA?!" All of the sudden I was wrapped in a bear hung and in the air.  I didn't know what was happening so I screamed until I realized it was Mike...I guess he missed me?  Lizzy came in through the door.  She was getting big!  GG walked over to Natalia and Lyndsee.  She whispered something to them and they both giggled and ran over.  They went to their group and sat down, bouncing a little bit.

Lizzy glanced up at the clock, then her watch, then her phone.  She looked super annoyed.  

"Alright girls, we're starting early today!".  Great 5 minutes early.  Maybe we'll get out on time today?  JK she always finds a way to make us stay late.  "And since Sam quit, we'll have one less girl".  Wait...what???  I looked over at Catt and Emma.  

I'm going to kill you, I mouth to them.  

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