Chapter 23: Bye, Mike

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We stood there, smiling at eachother like idiots, until GG finally got us to do something. "5 laps each way, then 10 sprints. Warmup quick; we're doing an open workout today so you can all spend some time with Mike". We never, and I mean never, get open gym workouts. So we were ecstatic.

Miley led warmups, and Emma and I stretched near the back so they couldn't hear us whispering.

"Do you think Catt's ever coming back?"

"Do you really think they would let her", I whispered back. "She flipped ape-shit on Lizzy, our pretty much head coach. What do you think?".

"Ughhh...I'm gonna miss her".

"So, Sam's gone, Catt's gone...who's next?". I really do miss Catt though. I looked to the front of the gym, at the vault, as I shifted into my right leg split.

"Mia" Emma whispered. I flipped my brown hair over my shoulder.

"What", I hissed. I was pissed for some reason.

"Do you think she's gonna quit gymnastics?"

"I hope not..."

I shift into a straddle, catching Kristy and Halli giving me matching death stares. What the hell, ladies? You're not twins, not even close. Honestly, Halli has grown so close to those seniors and been so bitchy to the rest of us, I don't even know how she's gonna cope when they're off to college.

It's 10 minutes from the end of practice when Mike finally walks through the door. Our practice was so screwed up because he didn't show. When he finally came, it was hard. Hard to say goodbye and hard to not be mad at him. I was a wreck. I went home crying, and Catt didn't show up to the rest of practice.

I walked up into my room and put down my iPhone and my bag on the table next to my bed. I looked at my pillow a split second before my face hit it, crying. Everything was so screwed up right now...everything.

My phone alarm dinged, waking me up. I moaned, and without even opening my eyes or turning my body to face my bedside table, groped around for my phone. I heard a few heavy thuds, books falling, and finally found it. I rolled over to pull it off the charger and saw a message from Catt.

CATT: Hey Mia

MIA: Hey. Y ru up so early? U don't even have mrnin prctice anymore.

CATT: exactly so i need ur hlp

MIA: for wht?

CATT: well since i'm probs not allowed at DEGAS anymore (if its even called that without our head coach) i need to find a new gym

MIA: i'm not leaving sorry

CATT: ya ik. i need you to come with me tho

MIA: where?

CATT: we're looking at a new gym. since i'm officially level 9, and the seasons over, a lot of gyms r lookng for 10's

MIA: k fine but after practice


Great. So now I was looking at new gyms with Catt...what would Emma think?

I heard my mom knocking at my door.

"Honey? Breakfast is ready!" I pulled the covers off, groaning.

"kay! I'll be down in like 5 minutes". I checked the clock. Since I had to go to school still (a lot of the girls where homeschooled), I had to get to the gym insanely early. Once summer practice started, I would be able to have 8:00 practices...not 4:30 ones.

I crawled to the bathroom and flicked the lights on. My toothpaste was laying on it's side and leaked all over the place. I cleaned it up quickly and brushed my teeth. Walking into my room, I grabbed 2 leos and stuffed them into my bag. One for morning practice, one for afternoon. Crossing yesterday's date off the calender, I mentally noted that it was only 10 days until 14th birthday, on May 7th.

I sat down at my vanity, brushing my hair out as I went over yesterday's practice again. Fear and pain gripped my heart as I looked down at my lap. Realization hit me. Mike was gone. Lizzy would be out on maternity leave starting tomorrow. And GG wasn't much of a spot to be honest. There's no way in hell that I am gonna chuck an overshoot or a tchatchev without Mike there to spot me when I wipe out.

I slide down the banister to the kitchen, where my mom makes pancakes.

"Mooommmm", I groan.

"Don't you give me that attitude hon. I wake up at 4 every morning to make you breakfast -"

"And every morning I tell you that I can't have pancakes". I half laugh, half roll my eyes at my mom. Her intentions were sweet, but that doesn't mean I'm about to sacrifice my gymnastics.

I open up our chrome fridge and grap out a yogurt and the carton of eggs. I spoon the Greek yogurt into my mouth as I scramble eggs next to my mom. She pours syrup over the pancakes and dives right in. I change my mind and flip one of the chocolate chip pancakes onto my plate. I couldn't stand the look on her face, even though I knew I would regret this later.

"Well, there will be good news today". What? For once?

"Oh yeah?". I look over at my mom questionably.

"Yeah...but I'm not gonna tell you". She had a glint in her eye.

"Ughh I hate when you do that", I laugh as I scrape the remainder of my food into the trashcan. I load my dishes into the dishwasher, then pour my water bottle. I grab my bag and run to the front door.

"Oh and Emma's picking me up today. And I'm with Catt after practice".

My mom's face shifted slightly, almost a look of anguish, then turned back to normal.

"Okay hon. See ya!".

I shut the door behind me and run to Emma's Cadillac.

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