Chapter 19: Thank You, Kristy

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"Can I get the Classic's girls over here". Lizzy pointed to the beams. I stand up with the rest of my group. Kristy stops, turns around, and glares at me with her hands on her hips.

"You can't come".

"What?", I almost laughed.

"You can't come".

"Why not?" I was genuinely confused.

"Uh, did you compete?"


"Then go sit back down". That bitch. Lizzy walked next to Kristy, assuming the same posture as her.

"You heard her, Mia. Sit back down". I glanced at Catt and Emma. They glanced at me sadly. There was nothing they could do, so I wasn't expecting them to do anything. But I wish they could've said something without being in trouble.

I turned around and sat down next to Alex. Tears stung my eyes.

"Classics girls to bars with Mike, 7's to beam with GG, everybody else floor with me".

As everybody scurried away, I cautiously walked up to Lizzy.

"Which group should I join?". I tried to sound as confident as possible, but I'm pretty sure my voice was shaking.

"What do you think, Mia". Bitch.


"How about the sevens". Was she serious? I almost doubled back; I was shocked!

Tears made their entrance again, and I almost couldn't stop them. I nodded my head, and joined the group at beam.

"Hey guys".

Naomi and Lyndsee looked up at me. I smiled at the whole group, but they just moved away like I was contagious. Great.

I pulled myself up onto a beam. I wobbled a bit; we hadn't done beam yesterday, so it was my first beam day in almost 3 months.

"Mia? Can I talk to you for a sec?" GG asked.

"Uh...sure", I said as I hopped off the beam and walked over.

"How long were you out?"

Shit. "Uhh...3 months?"

" about you stay on the low beam". GG points to the little low beam. I nod my head and walk away.

I sigh and stand up on the floor beam. Lyndsee was staring at me.

"Okay girls, we'll be doing some basics today. Start with 2 sets of front kicks, side kicks, arabesque kicks, and needles". I walk to the front of the beam to start my kicks. I love the way the kicks stretch out my legs. I'm the first one done.

"Okay. Next we'll do 2 30 second handstands, or 1 1 minute handstand."

I kick up to my handstand. I was the master at these. I could hold it for almost 2 minutes. I watch the others girls struggle as I count.

"45, 46, 47..." Almost there. I felt somebody walk by me.

"Mia, stop holding your handstands so long."

"You're such a show off".

Why, thank you Kristy and Halli.

I looked behind me. GG was helping one of the 7's with her handstands. I turned back around to Kristy and held my arms in the "fuck off" gesture. Kristy rolled her eyes and Halli said "you're gonna regret that". Like hell I am.

"Mia, have you finished your handstands yet? We're onto 3 handsprings in a row". I nodded my head and warmed up a handspring on the floor. Taking my place on the beam, I swung my arms and jumped. One of my feet landed on the beam, the other missed completely. I sighed and tried again. And again. And again. I finally made one, but missed the second one. It took me the entire 45 minutes to make 3 back handsprings in a row. Needless to say, practice sucked.

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