Chapter 27: New Opportunities

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“What’s your name?”

“Mia”, I say shakily.

“That was the most amazing routine I have ever seen done”, he says.


“No.  I mean, it wasn’t perfect, but you didn’t warm up or anything.  I don’t even mind that you left the blind out.  Have you ever thought about going Elite?”

“Yes.  It’s actually my dream, Coach”.  I know that I’m blushing.  I was shocked, I can’t believe he said this!  It’s been my dream…but my gym has never coached anybody even past 10.

“Well, have you ever done workshops and clinics?  And what level are you going to be?”

“Umm…I was going to be a level 9 this season, and no I haven’t”.

“Only a 9?  That surprises me…”

“Yeahh…I had a lot of 10 skills but Miss Lizzy never let me work them…something about not being ready”.

“Well it’s good she’s not here right now.  Maybe you should come to a clinic with me this weekend.  We just work new skills and technique.  I think you would benefit from it”.  

I nod my head frantically.  That would be really cool!

“I’d love to!  Ill ask my mom about it.  Will you be coaching us tomorrow?” I ask.

“No, but I’ll be here Thursday”.

“Okay, I’ll get back to you then”. 

I spend the rest of bars doing skills I haven’t down in forever.  I did Pak Salto drills, chinese sit ups, and double pike dismounts.  

“Moooo-ooooomm”, I scream as I slam the door behind me.  Catt dropped me off after gym.  

“What?” she snaps.  “Can’t you see I’m busy?” she points to the phone on her ear.  

“Sorry”, I whisper.  I slink behind the wall so she forgets to yell at me when the calls over.  I wait there until she finishes.

“Mia!  What where you screaming at me?” Oh man…she didn’t forget.

“I have some really really really good news.  Like…really”.

“Well get on with it will you?”

“We got a new coach today, Coach Bart.  He saw my bar routine, and saw my potential.  He thinks I can go Elite, and he wants me to go to a clinic with him this weekend.  Can I go?  Please mom!”

She sighs.  “Who will be there, what are you doing, where is it, when is it?”

“Ummm Coach Bart will be there, I’m doing gymnastics”, I say with an eye roll.  “I don’t know where it is, and it’s this weekend”.

“Mia, I can’t say yes until I know these details!”

“But this is such an amazing opportunity!” She has to say yes!

“Get me more information and I’ll consider it”, she says emphatically.

“But moooommm” I cry.

“Miaaaa…it’s a no from me”, she says in her best British accent.

“Not funny”, I say, as I turn on my heels and walk out of the kitchen. 

I spin the knob on the shower to hot and brush my hair as I wait for it to heat up.  My body is sore, and I need to stretch out.  

As I step out after a quick shower, I pull on yoga shorts and a tank top.  I blow my hair dry and pull it back into a french braid.  

I flip on Modern Family and stretch out on the floor next to the couch.

“Okay Mia.  I’ve thought a little bit more on what you were saying…” my mom starts.

I look up at her hopefully.  “And…?”

“Anddd…if you can get me in touch with your coach, I’ll consider it.  But I have to ask you a completely serious question”.


“How much do you want to be Elite?  How much is it worth to you?  You do realize that at this point, it’s going to get increasingly difficult and you most likely won’t make the Olympics”.

“Um, I really want to be Elite, and it is worth everything and anything.  I do realize that it’s getting difficult, but I don’t know if you realize that with the 1 hour of pain, I get 7 hours of pure ecstasy.  I love this sport, mom.  I don’t want to go to the Olympics.  I want to be an Elite gymnast, and I want to make a national team.  I know how hard it is, but I want to do this with my heart and soul.  You can’t take this away from me!  This could be my only opportunity to work with this coach and his friends.  He could hold the key in his pocket to the lock on the door to Elite that I have been trying to pick open my entire life.”

“What about Elite?” my dad says as he walks in.

“Nothing”, I say.  I stomp up to my room before my parents can say anything more to me about how obsolete my chances at becoming a national team member.  I don’t really care!  I know how hard it is, and I am completely prepared to take this on.  This is what I want, and I know I have what it takes.  But do my coaches have what it takes?  Do my parents?


Guys it means so much to me when you comment and vote on my chapters.  It reminds me that I actually have people who read my story and enjoy it.  If you guys could please comment below your favorite character/part, how you feel about Mia's dad, or anything else, I would love that!  

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