Chapter 29: Just a Dream

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I wake up to the smell of chocolate chip pancakes wafting up the stairs.  I roll my eyes.  They’re my favorites, but I’ve got morning practice today and I need something healthy.  Plus, this mean my moms going to ask me for something, because that’s just what she does.  She makes my favorite whatever, then asks me for a favor or something.  

I roll over in my bed so I’m face down into the comforter.  I really don’t want to get up.  But I do anyways, because I have practice to look forward to.  

I swing my feet over the bed so that they’re on the ground and stand up.  Immediately, I realized something is wrong.  I look down at my feet; my left one is swollen up.  I panic, breathing fast.  This cannot be happening.  This cannot be happening.  I sit back down on the bed, and yell.  

“Mom!  MOOOOOOMMMMMMMMMMM!  Get up here!”, I screech.

She thuds up the stairs.  “Mia!  Are you okay?”

I just point to my foot, my eyes wide.

“Oh Mia”, she sighs, shaking her head.  “I’ll carry you downstairs”.

All I could do was sit and stare; I wasn’t even crying.  I thought my foot was better now, I thought it was okay!  This is another 3 months off! What will I do?

My mom sets me down at the table.  “Eat”, she commands.  I look to where her finger is pointing, at the pancakes.   I try to argue.

“Mom, you know I-“ but she interrupts.

“EAT”.  She says it again, much more forcefully.  I sigh and cut the pancakes.  I have barely lifted the fork to my mouth before she speaks again.  

“We need to talk to you”.  She motions to my father, whom I didn’t realize was downstairs as well.  He nods in agreement with her.

“Gymnastics…it’s ruining your body”, she begins.

“Oh no no no I am not having this conversation”, I say, pushing my chair away from the table.  My mom reaches over and pulls it back in.

“Yes, we are.  Your father and I, we’re worried about you”.  I just sit there, shaking my head.  “You’re constantly in pain, and your hands are torn and bloody.  We’ve made the executive decision”, she looks to my father, who puts her hand in her own, and breaths in deeply.  “We’ve made the decision to pull you out of the sport”.  

I scream.  I don’t know for how long, but I scream and scream and scream.  I cry, in uncontrollable stuttering sobs.  Finally somebody comes to comfort me.  

“Mia”.  I can barely hear them.  “Mia!  Mia!!  Wake up!  Why in gods name are you screaming bloody murder?”

I sit straight up, gasping for air.   My body feels hot despite my sudden lack of comforters and the tank top and booty shorts I slept in.  I’m shaking, and tears are gliding down my no-doubt red face.  I look up to see Catt.  

I put my head in my hands as she speaks.  “Mia, what were you screaming about?”.  She looks worried.  

“N-nothing”, I stutter.  

“Your parents couldn’t wake you up, so they called me over”, she says.  

“My parents, those bastards”, I mutter under my breath.  

“What’s that?”, she asks, leaning towards me.  

“Oh, nothing.  Just a bad dream.  I guess I just over reacted.  I should probably get ready for gym”, I say.  I start to rise from my bed. 

“Um…Mia?  Gym was over an hour ago”.

“What?!”, I scream.  “Are you kidding?  What about afternoon practice I’ll get ready for that!”.  I get up off my bed and rush around the room, collecting what I’ll need for the day in my gym bag.  Throw a leo in, my ankle brace, some hair bands and deodorant, and some other miscellaneous things I may need.  

“Well you might want to hurry because if I remember correctly, gym starts at 1 and it’s already noon”.  

I almost die right there.  How did this happen?  It was just a stupid dream!  

I sprint downstairs without Catt; she’ll follow me.  I see my mom has a turkey hoagie on a plate, along with a pickle spear and some grapes.  I pour myself a glass of milk and sit down with my phone.  Catt thuds down the stairs and sits down next to me.  She has her phone out too. 

I think that was the fastest I’ve ever eaten in my life.  I tell Catt this, and she chuckles lightly.  

 I was still a bit shaken, but I was ready to go to gym.  I mean, what was I stressed about?  It was just a stupid dream.  

a/n: Hey guys sorry if this sucks.  I wrote this at 4:30 am because I just got back from france and I was super jet lagged lol.  Oh and my betta fish I had for 3 years died :( R.I.P. Flare!  But when I came back on and saw all of your lovely comments, and so many votes, that made me really happy.  I love when you guys comment because that makes me feel really good :)

Anyways, I think I should find a picture of Mia soon, shouldn't I?  Do you guys have any suggestions?

Vote, comment, fan <3

The Life of a GymnastOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora