Chapter 20: Bad News

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"Girls, can I talk to you?" GG sounded serious. I glanced over at Catt and Emma. They didn't seem to know what was going on either.

We walked over to where all of our coaches were sitting.

"We have some...bad news". Oh shit.

Mike cleared his throat.

"Ladies, this has nothing to do with you. All of you are amazing. I have to drive almost 3 hours every day to work here. It takes away from my family so...I made a very difficultly decision. At the end of May, I'm leaving". I gasped. Tears burst out if my eyes. I got up and ran to the team room, sobbing my heart out.

Catt came in behind me, right next to Emma. I leaned my head against the wall and took huge, heaving breaths.

"H-h-e was the o-only co-coaches I ever trus-trusted". I couldn't believe it. The rest of the girls filed in, trying to hold straight faces. As soon as the door shut, however, they broke down. Halli tried to keep it together, but when she started crying, it was a domino effect. Emma was sobbing the hardest.

GG came into the team room. "I'm so sorry, girls". She wiped her eyes and hugged all of us.

About 10 minutes later, we put on our brave faces. I walked out first. About half the girls ran back into the team room.

Needless to say, practice was shit.

I slammed the car door with a bang. Mom stumbled behind me in her stilettos.

"Honey, it's not that big if a deal is it?"

I snapped around.

"Yes, actually. Yes it is". The tears rolled back, and I ran up into my room and locked the door behind me. I face planted into my bed and cried.

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