Having a little Fun

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I walked through the door of the apartment and immediately turned myself invisible. I touched Barry on his shoulder. Which completely freaked him out.

"Hey Blake! I have big news." He said trying to act cool.

"Sorry. Blake's not here." I said with my voice module.

He turned around and looked around. He couldn't see me. I smiled and continued to talk.

"If you want to see me you need to go to STAR Labs. There we will battle it out, Barry Allen!" I yelled.

I ran out and ran as fast as I could to STAR Labs. I made myself visible again and looked at Caitlin, Cisco, Dr.Wells, and Destiny, each tied up in chairs with ropes tied to their necks. I heard Barry running and made myself invisible again.

"Show yourself!" He yelled in his suit.

"Choose." I yelled with the voice module on.

"Choose what?" He asked.

"Choose which friend you are going to save. The rest die!" I was having so much fun.

Barry launched off his feet and I pushed him to the ground.

"I said choose!" I yelled again.

"Cisco! I choose Cisco." He yelled.

"Barry!" Caitlin, Dr.Wells, and Destiny yelled.

"Thanks man!" Cisco nodded.

I walked over. Moved him from his chair and through him to the ground. Barry stood up and tried to launch of again when Cisco "fell" with a slowing serum.

"No!" He yelled.

I started to laugh. I took the voice module out and continued to laugh. Everyone else also started to laugh. It was hysterical.

"What? What is this?" He asked.

I became visible again. "It's called a prank." I continued to laugh.

"Your face, dude!" Cisco laughed.

I untied everyone else and speed cleaned the area.

"I hate you!" Barry joke yelled.

"Awe. I love you too, dad!" I smiled.

"Did you just?" Barry asked.

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