Chapter 3

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After he left I ran up the stair to get dressed. I didn't want to end up wearing his clothes again. I decided to wear a loose baby blue sweater with leggings and baby blue VANS that matched my sweater. After that I called Ava and told her I was going on a date with Jc Caylen! "After the date call me back, okay? I hope you have a fun time, love birds." She said excitedly for me. ''Okay. I hope you have a good day, call you later." I said hanging up. After I listened to Hoodie Allen for awhile the door bell ran. I ran down stairs to answer the door and there he was all cute and smelling good. Ahhhhh. Why am I doing this to myself, it wont ever workout. "Um...hi Miranda." He said nervously. "Hi Mr.Caylen." I yelled goodbye to my mom and left.

 First Jc took me to eat at iHOP. I had a salad and he had a hamburger. After that we went to Holister and I got some new clothes. After shopping for awhile we toured the town since I'd only been living here for a week.  The town seemed pretty nice so we just kept walking. What seemed live forever but was only 3 more hours passed and we went to my place. My mom had gone out to get a few things for the house. We went to my room and watched T.V. for a few hours. I ordered Chinese take out. After we ate he had to go back to his house.When he left I walked him down to the door. He kissed me goodnight and left.

I called Ava back and told her everything except for the kiss goodnight. I didn't want her to get angry at me for kissing her man, so to speak. She told me everything that she did that day with her boyfriend, Tony. I guess they aren't a good couple since they do fight so much. She ended up crying because of Tony. Well it made my day seem so much better even though it was amazing already. "Well I gotta go Ava. Sorry to hear about you and Tony. It will probably get figured out soon or later. Love you bye." I felt bad but if they go in circles like this why doesn't she just brake up with him already. If anyone knows Ava I do and I know she won't let anyone tell her what to do. "Alright call you in the morning then Miranda." She managed to say behind her gasping and crying.

I face- timed Jc and he answered. We talked a bit. I told him about Miranda and he said that I should try to make her feel better. I told him about Tony and all the stuff he had said to her. "She shouldn't go on with him." Jc replied. The next thing I wake up. Jc is laying next to me and my phone screen is still on face-time. "Why are you here, you should be at your house!?" I asked kind of angrily but happy that he was next to me. "I don't know! I thought that Face-time wasn't good enough for us." He said grinning. That grin that had driven me crazy so many times that I can't count. "Did my mom let you in?" I whispered not knowing. "Yeah, she's pretty chill for a mom." He added. I was automatically relieved.

Love you, MirandaKde žijí příběhy. Začni objevovat