Chapter 21

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                                                ******Miranda's P.O.V.*********

 On the way there I couldn't help but be nervous, after all the fate and checkup of our baby was today and only in 5 minutes. "Well, what do you expect?" "Dunno." I said not looking at him. We haven't communicated clearly and a lot lately and I didn't know what was happening to our relationship.

 We arrived and checked in and filled in the applications. "The doctor will be with you shortly." Said the desk lady. "Thanks." I sat down next to JC. "Nervous?" He smiled. "Yeah."I nodded and smiled back. "Well,hopefully everything's okay." "Yeah." I said fiddling with my hands. "Miranda?" The doctor called."Yes." I got up and walk with him as I waved to JC. "Turn left,then right and the 5th room." "OK." We walked to the room with me in the lead. "We will have you sit down and put this gel on your stomach. So, if you would like to bring your shirt up higher." "Sure. I've noticed it shrunk a tiny bit." "OK well we will see in a minute." "k" I said watching the doctors every move. The same routine re-occurred every signal checkup, first he said the routine, then he put the gel on my stomach and put the ultra-sound head on me. finally he printed the results.  "Hmmmmmm,hmm,hmm." I hummed as I heard the printer do its job.

      "Well finally! Do you and JC want to know the sex?" "Can you or I go ask him?  I do but I honestly don't know about him." "Yeah sure. Go ahead." "OK." I slide off the table and walked out to JC. "Hey babe everything's going okay. I was wondering if you wanted to know the sex of the baby?" "Yeah definitely!Why are we finding out today?" "Yeah hon. Got to get back babe." "Do you want me to come with!" He sounded too excited. "Definitely!" I said grabbed and pulling him with us forming a "Z" in the hallway, I guided him to the room and sat back down. He sat in the green leather chair that was mostly hardwood and was completely uncomfortable. "So doc.?" "Well JC you will be p-." "BOY!" We both shouted looking at each other. "I'm guessing you wanted that as well Miranda?" He chuckled. "Yuppp! My dream was always to have a baby boy, dont get me wrong. If he was a girl  wouldnt be sad." "Oh oay. Boys are easier, I have 5 boys and 3 girls." He sighed and laughed."Well I think we will be taking a break and enjoying this little guy for awhile" Haha, we smiled. "So when's the due date?" "Well another week. I am terribly sorry that you couldnt know the sex until now." "Thats okay.''


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