Chapter 7

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After lunch we went walking around town. Kian and Andrea held hands...aww. Jc went I reach for mine but I already grabbed his. He was mine at that point I think. Andrea was lucky to have Kian. We both made great couples. Then I guess another boy showed up. They called him Sammers but I think his real name is Sam. He had rosy cheeks and a lip piercing. He was cute I thought. "Hi. I'm Jc's girlfriend Miranda!" I said with a little too much excitement but I don't think he noticed. "So how long have you known Jc then?" "Well since I moved to LA so about..." I thought "2-5 Weeks!" "Wow! Love at first sight then?" "Shut up you ass!" Said Jc jokingly. I think they were good friends so they didn't mind to call each other names like well... Ava. Shoot, all these people and my BOYFRIEND are in front of me and all I'm thought about is me "best friend" Ava. After about 2 or 3 hours Jc picked me up bridal style and carried me back to the car. The last thing I remember was Jc's grin.

"Rise and shine my dearie!" He said as I awoke. "Hey." I said tired even though I had slept a lot! "Hey love birds!" said Mrs.Caylen as she walked into Jc's room with 2 plates of food. Yumm! Foooood! "Thank you!" We said in unison. After we ate he walked me to my house and kissed me goodbye. Even though we were a couple we needed time apart. If you could call it time, 30 minutes later he came over. We did live pretty close together so I guess that was okay. While he was at my house we just watched TV and talked.

Love you, MirandaWhere stories live. Discover now