Chapter 25

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I got back to the room and the same nurse came in. She said, "You are going to be given your second shot now."She helped me back into my bed with Jc's help. The I.V. post was wheeled behind my bed. I was propped up and had a needle stuck in me. I whimpered and I felt my cheeks flush and my lip curl. It hurt. "You ok Miranda?"The doctor walked in at the last little whimper. "Yeah doc. sorry, it hurts a tiny bit." I lied. "You'll feel better in a few." "Thanks." I layed down and the contractions started. "Mmmmm." I said.

 "Okay?" "Okay." "Contractions right." "Yeah Jc, obvious or...?" I spat. "Yeah."He sighed and looked down at his now, fiddling fingers. "Sorry." The doctor walked in in scrubs and with a hair mask and etc. "I'm just going to access your dilation." "K."  "Now sit back and put my legs in 'birthing' position." (He stuck his fingers in there let me tell you!) "Looks like you are 9 centimeters so anytime now. You could deliver at even a 6." "Really!" I said more like a 'wowed answer'. "You bet. Ya know you are pretty calm for being labor." Yeah, ever since I was younger I would laugh or not even react at all towards pain so that explains it." "Oh really?" "Yeah. Wooooo! I'm ready!" I said screaming more than talking. "Alright! Natalie get in here! Miranda is going into labor right now!" "Okay." She said running in. She too was wearing a hair mask and she was all scrubbed up. "Breath Miranda." Jc said in a comforting voice. "Thanks Jc but-" I interrupted, "Its okay." I whispered to the doctor.

    A few minutes later I was pushing and screaming. I am exaggerating a little but it did hurt.Then the shoulders and the knees. And at last the feet.

Love you, MirandaWhere stories live. Discover now