Chapter 5

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                                                              *   Miranda's POV    *

After awhile of Jc and I relaxing and watching Sponge Bob we fell asleep. I woke up with our hands intertwined. "Awww..." I let escape my mouth in a loud  whisper. I just couldn't help it, he looked so cute asleep and I think at that point we were a "thing". He woke up and said, "Hey sunshine. How was your nap?" He just lip smiled. "Mine was good, and yours?" I asked politely. "Good." He said getting up. Our lips crashed together. He was a good kisser I suppose. He got up and went to the bathroom. Wait, how does he know where the bathroom is? I called Ava again. Ring, ring, ring, "Hello?". 3 Rings before she answered. "Hey Ava." "Hi. How was your date? Are you dating him?"  "Um...yeah. We both like each other and he already met mom so... I woke up with our fingers intertwined. It was the cutest..." "Oh enough with the mushy crap already!" Ava interrupted me...oh well not the first time. "How are you and Tony doing? Any better?" I asked nervous about the answer. "Yeah." She sounded a little annoyed so I figured I should end the conversation. "Well I have to go Miranda. Bye" She hung up on me. She hardly let me talk. Maybe she found a new friend. I don't care I have Jc and my mom. They care about me at least.

Jc came back to my room with his iPhone in his hand and said that he was going to take me to meet Kian so I better get dressed. He watched me get dressed mostly...weird I know. I wore a pair of skinny jeans with a plain top that showed my "girls" a little. After that I grabbed some black and white sneakers. Then we headed over to Jc's house for him to change. First I met his mother then we went upstairs for him to change. I watched him change too. He put on the same Arizona shirts that I had worn and some jeans. After that he grabbed his matching  floralish Arizona shoes and a Arizona beanie.  He grabbed his car keys  and we left together. In the car rap music was played to fill in the silence. We both sang to it though we were mostly talking to one another about my old life.

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