Chapter 13

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Then I got Butter's things out of my nightstand drawer and fed him, gave him fresh water, and swapped out his toys. I took him out of his cage and let him fly around my room. I grasped his cage and went outside. I went to the back of the house and hooked the hose up to the spicket and dragged it to the cage. I turned the knob and water flew out. I washed the cage with some bird-safe cleanser. It was nice and shinny by the time I dried it off with a wash room towel. I brought the cage back up stairs and re-located all of Butter's things. I made Butter step up on my finger and put him inside to eat and drink and do whatever else birds do.  I went on my hands and knees by my bed and grabbed my penny board firmly in my hands and ran down the stairs. I yelled bye to my mom and walked outside. I penny boarded over to Jc's place and rang the door bell until Mrs. Caylen answered. "Oh why hello Miranda!" "Hi Mrs. Caylen! How are you?" "Good. And you?" "I am okay." "I guess." I whispered to myself. "Jc! Your girlfriend is here!" She yelled as Jc came running down the hallway towards me. "Hi!" We said in unison. "Um...Mom we have something to tell you." "Are you pregnant?" She said laughing. "Well that's the thing. Mrs. Caylen." "Oh." She said like she was let down. "Well we can deal with that can't we?" She said convinced. "Really! That's what Miranda's mom also had said." "Oh ah okay then. Talk to you later!" She said walking off into a different room. "Well you know what we have to do know?" "What wife of mine?" "Wife wha..."  "Will you marry me?" He said pulling out a nice looking ring. "Were you going to marry me anyways?" "Yes, actually right now."  "Oh." I started to cry. I had the most perfect boy in the whole world and he wanted me and I wanted him. "Perfection." I said out loud while I was hugging him. He smelt like Axe. ''Awwwwww! I love you." He said like he meant it too. I let that one go without saying anything back to him. I walked up to his room and we sat on his couch. It turned into a passionate make out session. Tongue even!! It was amazing!

Love you, MirandaWhere stories live. Discover now