Chapter 23

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I got up and went to the kitchen and grabbed a glass because I wanted some o.j.I was craving once again.Boy I hated cravings. I grabbed the fridge door and water came gushing from me and dribbled down my legs. "JC!" "WHAT!" "MY WATER BROKE!" "Oh." He ran to my room and got my pre-packed hospital bag. "Let's go hon.'' "K." We walked to the car and hopped in. It was 11:53 at night so we needed the heat on low.

(At the hospital; Saint Mary's)

JC filled out my paper work with my consent and their consent as well. I was wheeled away to get comfortable and get hooked up to an I.V. and oxygen. JC came in shortly and said the paper work was done and the doc. said he would be back in a few minutes. "OK." "Have the contractions started?" "Yeah, but they're minor." "Oh,are you gonna get the epidural?" "Yeah, eventually when the pain gets bad. Hopefully the birth process is short." We sat quietly until the doctor and his assistant came.

"How are you doing?" "Well contractions are kick-hhhhhuhhhhh!" One decided to come then. "Can I please help you?" The doctor then can in. "An epidural would be great!" I said rather rude. "Alright I will be back in a about 5 minutes then. Anything else?" "Ice chips or ice water." "Okay!" He walked out and they started again. They came about 4 times in those 10 minutes he was gone. Jc's asked if there was anything he do besides hold my hand. "No. Thanks anyways." "I just want you out of this pain. You're welcome." "Well we can give you ice water and an epidural anytime now." "Would you like that then?" "Yeah!" I was pissed and in pain. I just wanted an epidural and this baby out. "When can I have it?" "Right now?" "Sure!"  Thats when a nurse walked in with the epidural. "You'll feel a little sting. Then there will be a warm sensation." "Ok." I sat forward and I leaned against Jc's arm. "Ready? 1,2,.....3!" And there it is was...then the warm sensation. "How are you feeling?" "Good." The pain was better now but not fully gone.

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