Chapter 11

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                                                  *      Miranda's P.O.V.    *

I fell into a deep sleep after talking to Jc. I woke up to him rubbing my back. I also had a headache. "Mornin'." I said not feeling that well. "Are you okay?" He asked concerned "Umm...I don't quit know." He continued rubbing. "I think you better leave Caylen." I said getting up and going to my personal bathroom. "Umm! Hey! what's going on?" "It is most likely that time of the month." I said blushing at the ground. "Oh. Bye then." He said leaving. I ran to the bathroom and yupp, I was wrong even though my period was pretty regular now. "Oh well." I let escape my lips. It wasn't the first time. I called Jc back and told him not to worry too much. He said that we were going out this afternoon. "Okay honey, see you later." He said to me before hanging up. "Bye." I mumbled.  I walked downstairs to get breakfast. I grabbed a plate and went to my room. I ate slowly because I had nearly 4 hours to get ready. I went on Twitter after I ate and tweeted "Good Morning Loves <3".  I then jumped in the shower after about 2 hours. I washed and shaved. The jets of warm water on my body relieved the cramps. I got out and put my robe on. I walked over to my vanity and moisturized my body including my face. Then I applied very light makeup. I chose sweats and moccasins. I cleaned and packed my purse. I also put my phone on the charger for another 30 minutes until we left. I laid on my bed and turned on the TV. Keeping Up With the Kardashians popped up on the screen. "Hey there." Jc said sitting down on my bed. "Hi." I replied into the show. "Watcha watching?" He said looking at the T.V. "Anything good?" "Not really just re-runs." "What's new." He said sarcastically.  "I am hungry tired, and not in the mood Caylen!' "Fine." He said trying to make me smile.        

                                            ______AWHILE LATER________

                                                          *  Jc's P.O.V.  *

I  got up walking to the bathroom. I ran at Miranda jumping on her lap. "I love you Justin." "I love you too. No matter what." I said truthfully.  We continued watching T.V. until Miranda sat up and yawned. "I am still hungry!" "I now. Lets go downstairs and make something then." I said getting up. I pulled Miranda up off the bed. "Fine but I am tired." "Miranda are you pre...?" "Um...?" "I want you to know I will love even though you may be pregnant."  "Well that's the thing. I am." She said looking down.  "Lets go down to get food. I will help you tell your mom with you if you want me to. " Maybe bae."   I picked her up and carried her down the stairs. We made bacon, eggs, and  toast with jam. We ate together and then called her mom into the dinning room. "MOM!!" She yelled.

                                                   *  Miranda's P.O.V.  *

Mom came into the dinning room. "What sweetie?" "Umm...Mom? We have something to tell you." "What, just already tell me! Please!" "Mom. I am pregnant!" We said together. "Miranda! Who's is it?" "Jc's and mine."  "Okay. That's good then. We at least know the father." "Mom! I am not a skank!!!!" I said angrily. "Well not really. Dear, I don't blame you. Jc is nice looking, you're dating." "Umm...are you angry then?" "Not really." "Oh, okay." Jc spoke up.  "Well I already told this but I want you both to know this. I will love Miranda, you, and the baby." Jc said looking at my mom.

Love you, MirandaWhere stories live. Discover now