The Trial

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 You look up to see Erwin. As you see him brush him off and go back to your work until to hear him sit down and cleared his through. You didn't want to hear what he was going to say so you said," Don't you have more lives to ruin by breaking families apart?" in a harsh tone. You notice he raised an eyebrow. You sigh being irritated with him and say," You never did ask why I stole did you? The man who saved my life was very sick and I was the only one who would help him. But now that I'm gone he is most likely dead. Now if you wouldn't mind I kindly ask you to leave." You go back to your work as you heard him stand up but you realized that he was walking towards you as you look up you see his arms wrap around you, too quickly for you to move away. You roll your eyes as you try to squirm out of his grip, but it only tightens. This made to feel very uncomfortable. "What the hell is this? I didn't order a sympathy hug!" you say as you become very red on your face. "I'm sorry" you hear him say as you raise an eyebrow. "Excuse me? I didn't hear that eyebrows" you say to him. You hear him sigh and let you out of the hug. He crouches down next to you and he tells you," I'm sorry. I'm sorry that I stopped you from taking care of your family but the way you were helping wasn't right. Plus if you didn't leave soon then your legs would've stopped working. So eventually you wouldn't do any good for him or yourself. Now that you're up here you can help millions of people. I'll see if I can bring your family up here and get him medical treatment?" You stare at him with amazement and start nodding your head yes as you now give him a hug. You feel him stiffen as you say," So are hugs now weird for you?" You feel his chest move as he chuckles and hugs you back. He then lets you go and you step back a bit and listen as he tells you," Now go get some sleep. The trial is tomorrow and who knows what'll happen." You nod at him as you make your way to your room. Once you got in you changed into your PJs and pulled your hair up. You climbed into bed and started to doze off with this last thought," I wonder what tomorrow will bring."  Then you were out.


You woke up to the annoying cry of some geese from the storm outside. You sat up and let out a big groan knowing that today was going to be shit. You got up and got ready. You didn't do anything special to your hair, all you did was put a small braid in the front. You took one last look at your self in the mirror and told your self," I don't know what to expect but whatever happens I'll be ready!" Then you hear a knock on the door. "come in!" you say as you watch the door open and you see Reiner walk in. You smile at him curious as to why he was here. "u-um (Y/N), for tonight I was wondering if we could go to a pub. I even got you a dress. Is that all okay with you?" he asks you as he held out a bow with an (F/C) bow on top. You take the box and tell him," That would be perfect, but be warned I have a high tolerance to any drink. So if we get into a shot competition, be prepared to go down. hard." You give him a smirk as he looks at you with awe in his eyes. Then he returned the same smirk back and said," We'll see, We'll see...OH! I came in here with another reason and it was to Erwin asked to see you in his office so he can talk to you about the trial today." Your eyes widen with the info you just got. "WHAT THE HELL YOU SHOULDVE TOLD ME SOONER!!!" as you run by him to punch his arm but not in a playful way. You run all the way down to Erwin's office and knock. You then hear a "Come in". You walk in still out of breath and walk over to his desk and collapse into a seat. "What happened to you? Did you go through hell and back?" Erwin asks you with a chuckle. You roll your eyes and say," HA.HA.HA, Real funny why would I go back to my home just to come back here?" You say in a sarcastic voice. "But no, Reiner JUST told me that you needed me after he explained the date for tonight. So I ran all the way here." You start to breathe normally then a hear Erwin burst out laughing. You look at him dead in the eyes and say," What the hell is so funny?" You wait for him to stop laughing them he says," I didn't call you to my office... He was playing with you" You stand straight up and leave his office without saying a word and storm around the HQ looking for Reiner.


Its been an hour from when you started your search but no luck. You gave up and went back to your office to freshen up again because you truly did look like hell. After you did so you walked outside to get into the wagon that would take you and Erwin to the courtroom. Once you got outside you saw the carriage waiting for you. You look through the door and notice 2 sets of legs. You walk up to the carriage and climb up the stairs. You stop at the top when you notice that the other person was Reiner. You leap over to him and punch his arm very hard. An "OW!" came from Reiner. You give him the death glare as you sit on the bench opposite of him. After a few mins of him rubbing his now bruised arm he says," What was that for?" You roll your eyes and say," For making me run around the HQ like a chicken without its head!" Now both of them were laughing so you punch Erwin and kick Reiner," You two done now?" you say with a smirk as they both rub the parts of their body you hit.


The carriage came to a stop and you all filed out. When you looked up you realized that you were already one at this building. You smile to your self knowing all the fun you had that day. You all walk into the main courtroom and everyone's attention came directly to you. You look around and the first people you realized were the military police then the wallists. You three walked past the military police first and as you do you tell them," it seems you all gained weight. It'll be easier for me to out run you." Their faces were so red that it was funny. Then you walked by the wallists and you told them," You can't keep your secret safe forever, ill tell everyone at some point..." Their faces were even better. They were full of shock and pure worried. You smile and innocent smile towards them until the main doors opened again. You looked to see who had walked in and it was none other than...Levi. Only he looked like shit. He had bags under his eyes, His clothing was a mess, He was way to thin, and he wore cuffs on his wrist. You almost felt sorry for him. ALMOST. You watched as they made him kneel down and they place a metal pole behind him. Shortly after the judge walked in. He took his seat in his chair and started talking," Today we will settle the case of Levi Ackerman and (Y/N) (L/N). Before we start can we get the victim up to the stand?" You walk up to the stand and take a seat. He then asks you," Is it true that a few days ago you were attack aggressively by Mr.Ackerman causing you to have two broken ribs?" "Yes it is true," You say as you look at Erwin with a look of "How'd I do?". All he does is nod letting you know do do great. "Is there a known reason why he attacked you?" the judge asked you. You shake your head, no not knowing why. " Very well, you may go back to your spot," he tells you. You walk back to your spot and wait for him to talk again," Levi, is there anything you'd like to add?" You notice him lift his head and say," Yes I have one thing to say, why the fuck is there a girl in the same rank as me! The wings of freedom were always guys and now we have this chick in it. I thought that they were supposed to stay home to cook and clean. They aren't supposed to be equal to man!" You stood there with steam practically blowing from your ears. You move closer to the railing and put one foot over it. Then you felt Erwin put his hand on your shoulder. You knew that that was his way of telling not to. You back down and stand in your original spot. You look to the side of you and realized the Reiner was missing. Then you heard the clanking of metal and the sound of a boot on the floor. You look in front of you and see Reiner kicking Levi. You stare in awe knowing that he was doing it for you. Reiner ended his kicking by kneeing him in the face and holding it on the pole. And he tells Levi," You are right about one thing. She's not supposed to be at the same level as us... She's supposed to be above us. and that's where she's at. Above you..." With that Reiner leaves Levi to fall on the floor and land in a pile of his own blood and take his spot again next to you. You look up at him and he looks down towards you. You give him a smile saying thank you and he smiles back as he grabs your hand. Your face becomes dusted with a light shade of pink. You roll with it because it actually felt nice...

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