Holly X Seamus Finnigan

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This one is for hollypxge , sorry for the two years wait! I hope you like it! Remember to vote, comment and follow!

"Anna, hurry! I hear footsteps!" I say in a hushed voice, she quickly throws some more cupcakes in her bag. But of course you're wondering how the hell a Gryffindor and a Hufflepuff end up in the kitchens at 2am?!

Well we're basically robbing the kitchen of all its sweets, we each took a bag with us to fill it with sweets but Anna took two bags with her instead of one so it's taking a little bit longer than planned.

As the footstept grow louder and louder we're both freaking out, there's clearly someone near the kitchens and right now we're just hoping it's not a teacher.

We hear a soft giggle coming from the pear, "Shit, hide!" Whispers Anna quickly, we both sprint towards a kitchen counter and hide behind it. The footsteps come closer and closer and I can see Anna mentally cursing herself for being so stupid to bring another bag.

"What the bloody hell are you two doing here?"

I immediately recognize the Irish accent and breathe out loudly, not being aware that I was holding my breath. "Seamus, have I ever told you how much I love you?" I say standing up quickly and hugging him tightly, "We thought you were a teacher so please don't scare us this much next time." I say quickly, my heart beat slowing down.

"What the hell are you doing in the kitchens at 2am then?!" He says, releasing me from our hug and looking at Anna with a stern look whilst she stuffs a pink cupcake into her mouth.

"Want a cupcake?" She says with a small smile, Seamus chuckles loudly. "You two are insane, but we gotta get out of here. Filch is on a crazy spree. He's already caught 3 students out of bed!"

I furrow my brows, "What's everyone doing out of bed?" He shruggs, "I've got no clue, but we've gotta go."

We wave goodbye to Anna who quickly taps the rythym of Helga Hufflepuff and disappears into the Hufflepuff common room.

Seamus and I walk to the Gryffindor common room carefully, watching out for Filch. But when we're on the fourth floor we see Mrs Norris standing in the middle of the hallway. "Fuck!" I whisper quietly, "Nice kitty!" Says Seamus, trying to pet it, but it starts meowing and screeching loudly alarming Filch of our whereabouts.

"Run!" Says Seamus, grabbing my hand whilst quickly running of. We run for a while until we're both out of breath. "I can't!" I say, catching my breath, Seamus is clasping his stomach for more air. "We're doomed." He says with a loud sigh.

We hear Filch approaching us and my mind can't help but wander to the comfortable Gryffindor common room, the warmth and familiarity. Then I notice a door appearing, "Seamus, quickly in here!"

I open the door and he runs in quickly, just as we hear Filch's voice come around the corner.

I close the door quickly and gasp in shock when I look at the room we're in. "How the bloody hell are we in the Gryffindor common room?" Says Seamus, just as baffled as I am.

"We're not, the Gryffindor common room doesn't have a kingsized bed in it, I also can't spot the stairs leading to the dormitory's. Seamus, I think we found the room of requirement."

"No. Freaking. Way. This is way too cool!" He says, walking over to the fluffy couch near the fireplace. "Hey Holly, still got that bag of sweets on you?" He asks with a cheeky wink. I giggle and jump onto the couch with my bag in my arms. "Hell yeah I got it."

After a short while Seamus and I were high on sugar and found ourselves playing a game of truth and dare.

"Truth!" I exclaim, a bit too happy. Seamus just scoffs, "You pussy. Too scared to do a dare?" I poke out my tongue at him, "Just come up with a truth already Finnigan."

He bites his lip whilst he's thinking of a truth, then I notice I'm staring at him way too long and quickly look away, a red blush visible on my face.

"Okay, so let's say you're the last girl on earth and you had to choose between me or Malfoy to be your future husband, who would you pick?" He says with a smirk, he knows how much I loathe Malfoy, the bastard.

"I'd probably pick you, just because you're nicer to me! Malfoy sure looks fine as hell."

Seamus gasps in an overdramatic way, making me chuckle. "Truth or dare?" I ask him, he bites his lip again, making me stare at him once more. "Dare." He says with a smirk.

Okay this was it, I could make Seamus Finnigan do anything I wanted. Now the question was, what did I want him to do?

"I dare you to try and seduce me." I say with a chuckle, the sugar-rush taking over my actions. Seamus seems surprised by my forwardness, but smirks never the less.

"I bet that's not everything you want me to do to you." He says, he scoots over so he's sitting closer to me.

My breath hitches in my throat and my heart starts beating faster, how could he have this effect on me so quickly?!

'Woman up, Holly.' I say to myself in a confident way, but then only to lose everything when Seamus' lips touch mine.

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