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You are one of his truest followers, a Deatheater trough and trough. After the battle you've been heartbroken and lost. You keep running from the Ministry to not get caught.

It is a normal day a always, you are wearing your black death eater dress. And you are going to Voldemorts grave today. Like you do sometimes, to cry and grief.

You walk trough the grave-yard. At first the Ministry didn't want to burry him, but they re-burried him in his family grave. And this time for good, you always bring his cloak and put it on.

So you do this time, you put on his cloak and walk to his grave. "Oh Tom, I miss you so much." You say while sitting down on the stone. "I've been on the run forever. With you I was happy, I felt power. But now I am so hollow. Oh Tom.." You break down crying, and then you hear some cracks and a loud voice yelling. "Drop your wand!!" You look around seeing a group of aurors. And in the middle you see the boy who killed. That is what Deatheaters call him. At least the Deatheaters who are still alive.  "Harry Potter! You took my love! My lord! My everything!" You yell at him leaving your wand on the stone. "She's gone mental." Whispers a red haired boy, a Weasley.

"A Weasley aren't you? Yes, your brother died. Partly because of me." You say with an evil grin. Tom would have been proud of your strength, goes trough your thoughts. The boys eyes widen as you let out an evil laugh. "He was pethetic the last thing he said was a name. I believe he said George?" You say a bit mocking, "My brother was braver and wiser than you'll ever be CRUCIO!"

After a month they held your trial. "Killed several innocent people, do you want me to name them?" "Oh yes please." You say with a evil laugh, "Colin Creevey, Selene Dumhill, Eva Slughorn, Ryan Gyewas, Andrew Bones, Veronica Aberforth, Oakley Battclock, and Fred Weasley." At every person you hear sobs from different parts of the room. But at the last one you hear a person scream. "You deserve the most painful death you dog of Voldemort!!" You grin as you see the person named George Weasley with tears on his cheeks. "And you've been accused to following the dark lord. And helping him doing the most horrible things on this earth. Do you deny this and the murders?" "But your honor, I was just doing things for the one I loved." "Were you under an Imperius curse?" Asks the judge you with reazed eyebrows. "I loved him!! I would follow him if he came back from the dead now!! I would torture and kill you all!! Starting with Harry Potter." You look at him with a furious expression, "I would kill your friends, Ron and Hermione Weasley, and your wife and your unborn child. I would take everything from you.." You say with a threatning voice. Harry tightens his grib on the red haired woman next to him. "I would be pleased to murder you all." You say to the judge in your deatheater tone. "Because you took away the man I loved." You give everybody in the rooms death glares. "You are sentenced to death. But not by the dementors kiss. By torture." "Like Bella tortured the Longbottems? Or how Harry tortured Draco." You hear a guard put a silence spell on you. But you just smirk as they tell you the things they are going to do to you.

A month later you die. And finally joing your beloved one.


Comment for a one shot! Anthis has been seriously weird to write this.. :/ Put please comment for a oneshot I am in desparate needs of one!! And also vote cause that makes my day. When I see it that one of you guys voted for a chapter I am seriously so happy!! So please make me happy and after reading hit the vote button, it's just a little click.


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