Neville Longbottom X Eamon

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"Miss Prince, late again?" Professor Longbottom and the whole class looks at me, I turn as red as a tomato. "I'm sorry Professor, my cat was climbing in the whomping willow!" I take a seat and take a deep breath, I made up that excuse while running here. "Hey Eamon, what really happened?" Whispers my best friend to me, "You know what happened..." I whisper, "Now be quiet, I want to concentrate." I look at Professor Longbottom as he explains the meaning of a Venomous Tentacula. "Now the next class we're gonna look closer at one, you must know, the Venomous Tentacula is a dangerous plant, you are excused now." I grab my books and put them in my bag, I want to walk away when his voice stops me. "Eamon, I'd like to speak to you."

I close my eyes, and open them again, I force a smile, "Yes professor?" "Sit down." He gestures to a chair, and I sit down, "Would you like a cup of tea?" Were not in the greenhouse, but in a neat classroom, he always explains things in a classroom, and he lets us practice on the plants in the greenhouse. "Of course sir." I say anwswering his question of tea. "Eamon, why are you always late, I know it's not your cat. I made sure to take your cat in my office before the class starts." I open my mouth and then shut it again. "Whats going on? Who's giving you this trouble?" He touches my arm, I flinch, "Sorry, I didn't mean to frighten you." He says, "It's okay," I say rubbing my arm. "But tell me Eamon, what's wrong?"

"Slytherin house is teaming up with Gryffindor that's my trouble." I mumble, "What do you mean?" "Jesse McGreg and Jeffrey Iladis. The most mean persons on this world became best friends, so they've decided to pick on everyone they don't like. And yeah, I have my hair.. So yeah.."

"They are bullying you?" "Well no not exactly. Yeah.. They are.." I decide to tell him since I can't keep secrets from him. "You must tell the headmistress!" "She won't listen." I mumble, "Well Eamon. Not so negative! Bullying isn't aloud." "I know sir, I'm just too much of a coward.." "Hey, I was too and look where I am now!" "But you are head of Gryffindor house!" "I was scared of alot of things when I was little, don't tell anyone." He whispers the last part and makes me giggle. "I won't sir." "Now will you accompany me to the black lake for some Gilly weed hunting?" "Of course!" I say.

When I graduated Professor Longbottem gave me the perfect graduation gift. A true love's kiss.

Hey guys this one is for: Gamzettepink8 I hope you enjoyed it! Sorry for the long wait, I had a massive authors block.. If you want a requested oneshot with a Hogwarts boy tell m in the comments of the requested one shot chapter.

Peace out.


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