Harry Potter

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"Harry?" You yell, running towards the man you love, standing at the Hogwarts gate. "Y/N, thank Merlin you're okay!" He hugs you and let's out a few sobs. "Harry? Are you alright love?" You say while facing him. He turns his head away but you turn his head back around gently. "Sorry, it's just that-" He starts crying again.

The boy who lived is crying in your arms like a child. "Y/N.. Fred Weasley died.." You gasp, "Fred?" He nods slowly, Fred and George used to brighten up everyone, I can't imagine the pain his family is going through. "Oh Harry.." You say as you hug him again, now also crying. So many people died, your friends, maybe even some people of your family. "Tonks died too, with Professor Lupin." He says with a cracked voice to you. It's like a huge wave of emotions hits you. Tonks was like a mother to you, and professor Lupin, well he was your professor, the best one you ever had. "Oh Y/N, I'm so sorry." He whisper slowly to you, "It isn't your fault love.." You say slowly.

"They could've had a wonderful life, but everything turned gray now.. Will you help me bring light into the darkness once more?" He says while losing his grib on you. "What do you mean?" You ask him, tears still streaming down your face. He kneels down on one knee. And shows you a black box. "Y/N will you do me the honour and become Mrs Y/N Potter?" You don't know what to say so you just stand there. He opens the box and reveals a red and gold ring. You chuckle, typical Geyffindor colors. "Please Y/N?" He says standin up, you jump in his arms, "Yes, yes, yes, and a million times yes!" You start sobbing once again when he puts the ring around your finger. "I love you Y/N.." He whispers softly, "I love you too Harry." You say before kissing him.

Harry Potter One-shotsWhere stories live. Discover now