Sirius Black

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Every night you'd sneak out of the girls domitories. When the other girls were fast asleep you'd walk outside admiring the stars. But there was one thing that made you come back every time. A big black dog, you didn't knew how to call him so you just called him: Doggy.

You snuck out of the girls domitories the same night to see Doggy again. Avoiding all the professors and head prefects. When you are outside you walk to the Quidditch field,where you always meet up with Doggy. It's rather weird, you feel as if he's human. Of cours he isn't, he obviously is a dog.

"Doggy!" You yell as you see the black spot in the distance. Then when you can see him properly he turns into something else. A boy. No excuse me, a man. He's so tall and handsome as hell. Then when he's infront of you you whisper. "Animagus." ((A/N did I wrote it correctly?)) "Yes, that is one name I go by, but actually the name is Sirius Black." "No way, you are head boy! That's why you could snuck out every night!" "Hey Y/N, it's still me. Doggy?" He wiggles his eyebrows at you. Oh god, awwkwaaard. "Yeah, sorry about that." Then more realisation gets over you. All the things you did with "Doggy". "Oh my god." You breathe out. "I don't know if you were but I was so thinking back of skinny dipping in the dark." He says with a smirk plastered on his face. Okay, yeah, pervert."I gotta run. Bye." You say quickly as you run away.


"Well don't you look dashing." You hear from behind you. It's the Christmas ball and you are wearing a white gown and some decoration snow flakes on it. You turn around to see Sirius, "Thank you." Your cheeks turns a dark red colour. "Can I have this dance?" He asks with a smirk. "No. I mean yes, I mean no. This is so awkward." "Lets just forget about the skinny dipping and just dance." You sigh and give in. When you start dancing with him you hear several whispers. "I that Sirius Black with Y/N?"  "Merlins beard are they a couple." "No, Sirius was mine!" "They look so cute, don't you think?" And several more whispers. Your cheeks turn even more red. "Well people are beginning to think we are a couple." "Indeed they do." I whisper, "Shall we make them sure of it?" He whispers back, "Wha-" But you are cut off by him kissing you. "I started liking you after I firt met you. Now I just pulled the trigger." "What trigger?" He kisses you again. "It's a muggle thing."

Hey guys!
How are you? Long time no writing, sorryy. But here ya go, hope you liked it! And sorry but I'm not doing any Draco requested one shots for the time being, I know he's amazing but if you want a requested oneshot fill in the belonging chapter wit someoe else then Draco. Thankzz

Peace Out.


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