Scorpius Malfoy

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You're walking around the Hogwarts Express, there's no free place anywhere. Then you bump against someone, "Sorry.." You mutter, "Hey, Y/N, shouldn't a lovely girl like you sit down?" You hear a voice say, you look up and look directly into the blue eyes of Scorpius Malfoy. "I don't have a place to sit, Malfoy." You answer back, "Well don't your Y/H/N* friends have a place to sit for you?" He asks with a smirk, "No, they forgot about me, I think." "Well in that case, I have a private coupe. You are welcome to come and sit with me." Your parents wouldn't approve you sitting with a Malfoy. But it's not like you are marrying him or something. It's just a short train ride of a few hours, not much, plus he seems nice.

"I would appriciate that, thank you Malfoy." You say with a nod, "It's down the hall. I'm just getting something from the trolleylady, you want something?" "No, thanks, I'm good!" You say with a smile, he leaves towards the trolleylady. You walk into the/his coupe, and seriously how rich is his family?!

The past couple of months you and Scorpius grew closer and closer. Some people even began to say that you and Scorpius were together. Of course it wasn't true, but you wished it was because you were starting to fall for him.

You're walking around Hogwarts when something suddenly covers your mouth and eyes. You want to scream but you are dragged in a closet. A broomstick closet you guess. You notice that the thing covering your mouth is a hand so you bite it. "Ouch! What the hell Y/N?!" You hear a familiar voice say, "Scorpius?" You ask, the things/hands covering your mouth and eyes disappear. "Hey love." He says with a smirk, "What do you think you were doing?! You scared the hell out of me! I thought some 7th years were trying to rape me!" He chuckles, "I needed to see you." "A f*cking hello could've sufficed y'know Mal-" You were interupted by Scorpius kissing you, you wrap your arms around his neck. He bites your bottomlip softly, and you smile against his lips. He moans softly, then you pull away. "We're dead. Our parents are gonna kill us." You say quickly. "I don't care." Is all he says before kissing you again.

*Y/H/N means Your House Name

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