Ron Weasley

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You're walking around the school, because it's your job as a prefect. You hear noises coming from a  broomstick closet so you open the door. When you open it you see the faces of Ron Weasley and Levender Brown awfully close to eachother. When you take a good look you see Ron's hand up her shirt and her neck filled with hickeys. You just stand there in shock as they both look at you,

"Oops, we got caught!" She says with a giggle what makes you wanna barf, "Maybe we should find another room?" She says to Ron, with a smirk. "50 points from Gryffindor for being out after curfew!" You say stern, "Oh, Y/N come on, we were just having some fun!" You see some buttons from Ron's trousers undone, "20 points more from Gryffindor! Now go to your common room!" You say again, they run out of the broomstick closet, you hear her annoying giggle again. You sit down crying, you loved Ron since your first year. He was clumsy, sweet, but also funny.. You wipe the tears from your cheek, but now he has Lavender, they're probably snogging again.. You walk outside, and there are Ron and Lavender snogging again. Your mind was right. "Didn't I tell you to go to your common rooms?!" You yell, Ron notices the tears on your face. "Y/N are you alright?" He asks with a concerned frown, "Do you want me to take another 70 points from Gryffindor?!" You say whilst tears can't stop streaming down your face even harder.

They walk away, then you hear Lavender whisper. "What is that girl's problem? She's so weird!" And then something happens what you didn't expect. "Shut up Lavender! Can't you see Y/N was crying?! Maybe she was hurt or something!" Says Ron to her, you look at Ron who looks at you with a loving look.

Maybe later you and Ron can be together.

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