Theodore Nott X Sara

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"Mr Nott what is the anwser to that question?" I hear the teacher say, I look behind me at the handsome young man. Theodore Nott. "Well sir, I have no idea. Maybe someone can help me anwsering it!" He says with a cheeky smirk, I swear I can hear all the girls in the classroom sigh. I shrug and turn to the teacher reazing my hand. "Yes Sara?"

"Please sir, The Erumpent is a large grey Africain beast of great power. Weighing up to a tonne, the Erumpent may be mistaken for a rhinoceros at a distance. It has a thick hide that repels most charms and curses, a large, sharp horn upon its nose and a long, rope-like tail. Eeumpents give birth to only one calf at a time. The Erumpent will not attack unless sorely provoked, but should it charge, the results are usually catastrophic. The Erumpents horn can pierce everything from skin to metal, and contains a deadly fluid which will cause whatever is injected with it to explode. Erumpents numbers-"

"I think we've all heard enough now miss know it all." I hear the voice of Theodore Nott say. I look behind me a bit irritated. "You should know this stuff Theodore, it's in your book you know. Page 28. But its not like you can read." I hold my nose high, "Maybe you should read it to me then. Slytherin boys domitories are free this afternoon." He wiggles his eyebrows, all the girls get dissapointed looks. Gosh those barbies with their tanned skin flawless hair. I loathe them. "Well maybe I have something to do this afternoon." "Like what? Read?" "Exactly." I say proud. I can't help admit I'm kind of a know it all. But who cares. "Pureblood? Are you not?" "I am." I say proud, "Maybe she wants your basalisk in her chamber of secrets after all Theo." Says Draco Malfoy punching Theodore's arm. I feel my cheeks flush red. Gross. But my best friends Grace smiles. "That was awesome. You two are sexually attracted to eichother!" I snort, very lady like I know, "You should date Malfoy."

I feel someone pulling me into a broomstick closet. "Whoa dude what are you doing?!" "Will you go on a date with me?" Says the person I regonize the voice as Theodore'. "Why would I date an idiot like you?" I say, he smirks, "Because you like me Sara, we are what your friend Grace said sexually attracted to eichother!" He leaves me alone in the cupboard leaving me stunned.


This one is for Sara_AS hope you like it! I am very happy that you Sara did someone else than Draco. Like jeez everyone loves Malfoy! I understand it, but come on! No George, Seamus, Harry, Ron, Dean, lovers?! Please also think of the other persons! Btw do you know that Dean Thomas is in Sherlock?! Second episode of the third season! He's that first dude that gets stabbed!! I screamed when I saw it was Dean lol.

This is my longest chapter of this book I think.. Lol!


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