Chapter Six

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Milo couldn't figure out what was shaking more, his arms or his legs as he made his way through the compartments in search of his younger brother. He really didn't know what Harry looked like, but he trusted his mother's word, she said that he would know right away. Of course, Milo scolded himself under his breath realizing that his brother was easily distinguished by the lightning bolt scar that graced his forehead from the horrible evening they had both been witnesses of. 

"Honestly, Milo," he whispered to himself. "It's called common sense, it would be nice if you put it to use every once in awhile. Goodness."

Maxine wasn't the only one surprised by Milo's appearance on the train, it seemed everyone that knew him was entirely confused by his presence. They weren't sure why he was there if he actually lived right near the school, but he informed a few of his friends and they seemed entirely intrigued. Especially, Heidi Macavoy, a fellow Hufflepuff that watched over Milo just as Maxine did. They had declared the boy their honorary little brother, even though Milo was technically older than Heidi, but it didn't matter to them. But he watched over them as if they were his sisters as well. 

"Hey, if he's mean to you, Milo, just tell me and I'll take care of him for you!" Heidi called to him as he continued his search. He offered a polite smile, knowing all too well that the girl meant what she said a hundred percent. He had witnessed her take down a boy twice her size with no problem after he thought it was fun to pull her chair from behind her in class. It was moments like that one, where Milo was more than thankful to be on Heidi's good side. 

"Excuse me," he called out to a boy that blocked him from going any further. "I just need to-"

He stopped as soon as the boy turned to him, looking up with an upset expression clear across his face. His blond hair was tousled over his round face, his cheeks red and his blue eyes watery as they were on the verge of tears. 

"Are you alright?" Milo asked, slightly alarmed by the boy's appearance. He had merely muttered out an "excuse me" there was no need for the boy to grow upset with him. Which meant that the boy was upset for other reasons. It was possible that the younger boy was upset because it was his first year away from home. Milo remembered how weird it had been for him to adjust to the castle, but other children often found themselves incredibly homesick. There were times where Milo had come across students who cried in their sleep or found it difficult to sleep in general. 

But Milo showed them the best part about being in Hufflepuff when he spotted them upset, he would often bring them to the kitchens during the late hours, after curfew for a midnight treat. However, since they were on the train, he wasn't able to do that for the boy and the Trolley Lady wasn't in sight, so he couldn't purchase any sweets for the boy as a pick up either.

"I-I-I lost m-m-my t-t-oad!" The boy managed to bring himself to say. "He j-jumped out of my hands!"

"Well, don't worry about it," Milo said placing his hand on the boy's shoulder. "I'm sure we can find him. All the doors on the train are closed, so he couldn't get off. I'm sure he probably just hopped to safety that's all. That's what I would have done."

"But what if someone stepped on him?!" The panic made the boy's voice rise as Milo flinched and looked around. 

"No, they wouldn't do such a thing. Besides, toads are highly intelligent, I doubt your little friend would allow such a thing. Now, come on, I'll help you find him if you'd like?"


Milo's brain was telling him to allow the boy to find the toad for himself and then go to find his brother, but his heart told him to stay committed and help the poor boy find his pet. It was nerve-wracking enough being a first year, but losing a pet within minutes of being boarded on the train, well, it certainly didn't help anyone's anxiety. 

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