Chapter Twelve

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Milo was not exactly thankful for having to start off his day with Potions later on with Professor Snape, but he was thankful that he would get to spend the next class in the Greenhouse with Professor Sprout, the Head of his House. He had known Pomona Sprout long before he attended Hogwarts as the woman was dear friends with his mother. Often times during the weekend or during the night, she would come over to share in a warm beverage with Minerva, going over their classes and some of the students. Milo was also certain that his mother had told Professor Sprout to keep a close eye on him when she was unable to, to make sure that Milo was minding his manners during the school year.

Unfortunately, Milo and Profesor Snape didn't get along very well, from the beginning it seemed that they were destined to clash, even though Milo didn't really do anything to the man. He was never disrespectful, he didn't speak out of turn, and he had actually been pretty good in the class until the professor had rattled his nerves. On too many occasions, Professor Snape would call out the boy, pointing out his mistakes, making a mockery of him in front of the class to the point where the ridicule affected Milo's performance in the class. He began to struggle plenty and it only made matters worse as Professor Snape seemed to pick on him the most.

Milo thought about turning to his mother but he learned that he couldn't go to her with every single problem of his. He had to learn how to stand on his own and defend himself. Although he wasn't the best at that either, instead, he just found himself miserable in the class, allowing the supposed grown-man to tease him without mercy. What Milo had ever done to him to cause such hate, he was never sure, but perhaps it was that moment where Milo had stared at him for too long back in his first year. There was something familiar about Professor Snape as if Milo had met him before even being introduced to him the first time. He just couldn't figure out from where. 

Luckily, his friends came to his defense in his class, like Maxine, who would often cause a scene within her own cauldrons to drag the attention away from Milo. She could handle whatever Professor Snape had to say to her, it didn't bother her that Snape was such a weak soul that he had to bully children but Milo was a fragile soul in comparison, too sweet for his own good a lot of times. He didn't have the heart to be mean to others and he was fully capable of being a pushover, which was why his friends were so protective of him. 

What he wasn't aware of that day as he walked to the dungeons for class with Maxine, was that Professor Snape had already witnessed Harry and for that, he was in a foul mood even more so than usual. 

Before he had left for classes, his mother had caught him in the corridor and fixed Milo's hair, trying to get his little tuft from sticking out, but as soon as he was out of her sight, he ruffled his hair to his liking. It was extremely ironic that the Potter males had come into a small fortune due to Fleamont's idea of the Sleekeazy's Hair Potion, decades ago when he created the serum that would tame even the unruliest of manes. When he retired, he sold the company and stashed away the money for his son and grandchildren to inherit when the time presented itself. 

Milo had seen it, through his life, the sums of money, what appeared to be a mountain of galleons resting in vault 687. Minerva had told Milo that he and Harry would be the only ones that had access to the use of the money but while he was under her care, there would be no need for him to spend any of it. She purchased his school supplies with her own earnings, she provided for Milo with her own money as a mother would, leaving the money untouched but she wanted to let him know that if it ever came down to it, the money was there.

"Merlin, help you if your mother sees your hair after she spent all that time trying to fix it earlier," Maxine laughed as they walked down the corridors to Potions.

"I've told her not to bother with it," Milo said messing with the little tuft that fell over his forehead. "Like I've said multiple times, it gives me character."

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