Chapter Sixteen

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When Milo was called to his mother's office, he was sure that she had figured out the events of the night where he had found himself face to face with the three-headed dog. Nearly a week had passed since the incident and while it seemed far-fetched, there were only a few things that ever got passed Minerva McGonagall. If anyone had an all seeing eye, it was his mother because she could nearly always sense when something was being kept from her. While it had taken her a little longer to put it together, Milo was certain she was bringing him in to be scolded for even thinking about being out after curfew. He wondered if Bitsy had given him away, although it seemed very unlikely considering Bitsy was extremely loyal to him since he had saved the little house-elf his first year.

Bitsy was young in comparison to the other house-elves but extremely eager to work, however, she had been too eager. Unfortunately, she had worked herself into an exhaustive state and it was Milo who had snuck into the kitchens one evening and found her slumped over, looking to be in a terrible state. The boy didn't hesitate as he scooped up the house-elf and brought her to the Hospital Wing to ask Madam Pomfrey to tend to her. While Poppy wasn't exactly thrilled about being woken up, she couldn't condemn the boy for showing so much care to the creature. When Bitsy finally woke up, her first visitor was Milo, who greeted her with a wave and a smile asking if she was feeling better.

Since that moment, the house-elf seemed to look after the boy, especially knowing that he often found himself in trouble due to his friends. So she was definitely out of the question to turn him in. Perhaps Filch had discovered something that Milo had missed out on, perhaps Harry turned him in? Milo didn't want to think of such a thing, but Harry had yet to speak with him since the events of the night. Perhaps his pride was still feeling wounded that he had been tricked by Draco Malfoy and was nearly caught if it hadn't been for Hermione intervening?

It truly didn't matter because it was definitely not going to matter to his mother. He knew that he was in control of his own actions and Minerva would tell him that he knew better. As he arrived at McGonagall's office, he was preparing his apology, hoping that she would have some form of mercy on his soul, but as he walked in, his mother greeted him with a bright smile before closing the door. 

"Mum? Um...are you alright?" He questioned with a bewildered expression. His mother was possibly the most composed woman in the entire world, so to see her practically giddy, he wasn't sure whether to laugh or be frightened. She motioned him over to her desk where he saw a package lying across a bunch of parchment scrolls. He looked over his shoulder at her, confused as to what she was getting at.

"Go on, open it," Minerva encouraged him practically shoving him forward towards the package. 

"What is it?"

"If you open it, you will see, Milo."

He chuckled, terribly confused by his mother's behavior before he proceeded to rip off the wrapping paper to see a broom. But it wasn't like a broom that he had seen on the market before, it didn't resemble a Cleansweep or nimbus, leaving Milo curious as to what make it was. But he was surprised that his mother had purchased him a broom to begin with. 

"Mum, bought me a broom?"

Minerva nodded her head. "Well, your brother needed a broom after he made the quidditch team for Gryffindor and Wood suggested a Nimbus for him. Nice broom and all for a seeker, but there will always be a broom that is above those that are manufactured in bulk no matter what position a player is."

"What's that?"

"A custom-made one."

It suddenly made sense as to why he didn't recognize the make as independent broom-makers were no longer popular due to large broom companies like Nimbus and Cleansweep. Broom-makers that didn't work for the large companies were rare to come by and when they agreed to make one, it certainly wasn't cheap.

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