Chapter Eighteen

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With the idea of a troll roaming through the castle running through Milo's mind, the boy was lucky that he wasn't focused enough on the usual things that caused him nightmares. Instead, his subconscious focused on the troll bringing about a bizarre dream of Milo relaxing at a river and confronting one. Just as the troll was about to go in for an attack, the boy began speaking the little of River Troll language that he knew, making the troll laugh. Apparently, the traveler that had come through Hogsmeade had taught him a joke to tell, sparing Milo his life in his dream world. 

When he woke up the next morning, he was certainly curious about the fate of the troll that had entered the school and set out to find his mother. Unfortunately, he couldn't find his mother as she wasn't in her office and he couldn't find her in the corridors either. There were times where she left the castle to head to Hogsmeade for the day or she was in her sleeping quarters of the castle, where students were not allowed. He figured he would find out about it later and went to the Great Hall in order to grab something to eat.

Just as he was walking in, he nearly crashed into another boy. The quick glimpse of blonde hair, made Milo think that it was Neville, however, as he looked down, he realized that he was completely wrong. He knew who Draco Malfoy was, mainly through word of mouth and from observing the boy who was incredibly nasty and rude to other students. Although it wasn't much of a surprise that the boy behaved in such a way, his mother said that children often reflect how they were raised and it was obvious that Draco had not been raised to be a proper gentleman, he was raised to be a total git.

"Watch where I'm going, Potter!"

From Professor Snape to Draco, Milo could not stand when people said his surname with such disdain as if it left a bad taste in their mouths. He had never done anything to either one of them, so for them to be so disrespectful towards him, it left the boy slightly bitter. He couldn't do anything to Professor Snape but Milo wasn't about to let Draco get away with being so rude. The two boys that followed him, Crabbe and Goyle knocked into Milo's shoulders on their way out. There was no use of magic in the corridors, however, technically, they were in the entrance way of the Great Hall and there weren't any rules pertaining to that. Removing his wand from his sleeve, Milo whispered under his breath, keeping his eyes focused on the three as they went to leave. 

Suddenly, the robes of the three boys merged together, becoming a large span of robes that connected them all together. They attempted to move away from each other but the more they struggled, the tighter the robes became wrapping them even closer until it appeared they were wrapping each other in hugs. Draco went to turn to shoot an accusing glare in Milo's direction but he moved too fast for Crabbe and Goyle. 

The larger oafs couldn't maintain their footing as their balance was off and all of a sudden, Crabbe was falling one way while Goyle was falling the other. Draco could not save himself as he was forced to fall down with both of them. He let out a screech as he went down face down landing against the floor. All three of the boys groaned but as they all rolled in three different directions they couldn't even get themselves to sit up.

Milo walked over and placed his wand back up his sleeve before he crouched down in front of Draco.

"The proper phrase is "Excuse me" for future reference," He told Draco before smiling down at him and then walking away.  

"Milo, did you just hex three students?" The boy jumped at the voice that sounded from behind him causing him to spin around. He caught Katie standing behind him with Angelina, both girls watching him as he turned extremely red in the face. Quickly, he swallowed and proceeded to clear his throat as he pulled at the collar of his shirt.

"Well, I...technically I only hexed their robes," he said in an innocent tone. Angelina rolled her eyes with a snort before she shook her head in disapproval.

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