Chapter eleven

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My eyes widen. How could she?! How could she have the same last name as me!? Are we related? Am I related to.... Eleanor? I really want to talk to Dad but of course, he's gone right now.

I stare at the cover for a while, heart thumping, as I sit on my bed, silent. I pick up my hand mirror and scan the room, making sure that she- or the Abramsons- aren't here to catch me reading her diary. I flip the book open, the first page is filled with a girlish handwriting.

December 8, 1813

I cannot believe that this is happening. When I don't know what's going to happen now. This morning, there was chaos outside, I do not know what was happening. William and I stayed in the house. My parents went outside. I looked out the windows- chaos.

Diary, I didn't pay much attention to William, and now I regret it because I really want to see him again. We stayed in the house until the window broke, someone smashed it. I remember holding my little brother's hand and running out the front door. I was terrified, this morning.

We couldn't find out parents, William wouldn't stop crying, I know that he's only five years old, but I really got fed up, I started yelling at him, and he ran away, he just let go of me and ran away. I ran after him, pushing pass screaming people.

At last I found him, he was curled up under some beat up wagon. I was so scared and relief, I thought I'd never see him again. But I'm not sure if my parents are alive. There were some killing, I saw it with my own eyes. I'm very terrified, I hope the war didn't come all the way here. I didn't get to get anything out of the house other than my diary. Right now, it's midnight, I'm spending the night here, on the sidewalk, William is asleep, I'm going to keep watch. Right now, we are alone.

-Eleanor McAllister

She had a brother, she never told me. And where is he now? I flip to the next page, getting interested right away. This sounds so... old- fashioned, but I'll try to keep up with her life.

 December 9, 1813

When William and I got back to our town, I found corpses everywhere, they were bloody, I was about to vomit. I screamed my parents’ names, I never got an answer.

I turned around, to see my brother picking at a dead man's eye. I screamed, I pulled him away, our house was gone, nearly. William cried again, and this time I did not yell at him, for I did not want to lose him. By afternoon, I could not find my parents. I miss Mother and Father so much, my heart hurts. I started to cry, myself.

It was then, I felt a tap on my shoulder, I smoothened my dirty ragged dress, and turned around to see Mrs. Abramson. She's the rich lady next door, she was alive.

"Hello Eleanor," She said to me, I didn't want to talk to her, I always thought that she was evil, and she thinks that my mother is poor. "I'm sorry that your parents are gone."

"You saw them?" I started to weep, again.

"No, but I don't think they can survive, how stupid of tem to leave their daughter behind and go outside." She grabbed my wrist, I tried to fling her off, but decide not to, without help, I don't think that I could help William live. "Come on now, Eleanor, you will make a great maid, bring the little boy."

They were all alive, her, her husband, and Shane, the boy from school, five years older than me, I've heard of his evil doings. William was fascinated by the beautiful house they lived in, as always when we visited out neighbors. He ran up and down the steps while I sat alone, trying to accept the fact that I had just lost my parents.

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