15. Game Over

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I woke up the next morning and looked around. "When the fuck did I fall asleep?" I asked myself. I slowly got off Alphonze and went to the bathroom. After I did my business and washed my hands, I brushed my teeth. I walked out and checked on him seeing he was still asleep. I wish we had some groceries because I would make him breakfast. I got dressed and combed my hair out.

"It's time to straighten this." I said grabbing my wallet and heading for the door.

"Mrs. Imperial. You're out early. We're ya headed?"

"To the market. It's literally nothing in there besides my pizza and I'm not trying to have the squirts this early in the morning." I said.

"Allow me to accompany you." He said following me to the elevator. "Not that you have a choice."

"Well when you put it like that can I really deny?" I joked. He spoke into his walkie talkie and told the driver to be ready.

"How long have you been Al's bodyguard?" I asked trying to start a conversation.

"Since he was about 5 or 6." He said. "I remember you very well. You two were a handful and your mothers thought that you two would just click and stick together."

"I can't believe that. I don't remember you." I said.

"You were young and I rarely guarded Alphonze closely in the house." He said.

"So how often does he wake up early?" I asked. "I want him still sleep when I get back."

"Well, considering he's used to sleeping alone he's probably really comfortable and won't get up any time soon. He's done it before." I nodded stepping out the elevator.

"Do you think when we get back to the states instead of me rolling around in some dumb limo all the time we could arrange an Escalade?" I asked walking towards the stretch.

"I'm positive we could."

"Good because this just doesn't work for me. Way too much attention." I said getting in.

"This is the Imperial signature ride." He said before closing the door.

"Cool." I said sitting back. I facetimed Yvette and she answered with a smile.

"So how's the sex?"

"Hey to you too bitch." I said laughing. "And there is no sex."

"No way. So you're halfway around the world and you're just making faces at each other?" I rolled my eyes.

"Pretty much." I said. "I have sooooooooooo much tea for you, but we'll save that for when I get back." I said.

"Don't tease me. Where is your husband anyways?"

"That's all I've been doing." I said. "He was sleep when I left."

"You did that to him?" I shook my head.

"Can you believe he hates pizza? I don't know if we can be friends now." I said. "Like seriously."

"You're a joke." She said. I flicked her off and smiled. "Where are you going?"

"To the market. Don't laugh, but I wanna make breakfast for Alphonze."

"I think it's cute. He probably won't eat it cuz you made it."

"I think he will." I said smiling. The limo stopped and the door opened a few seconds later. "What should I do though?" I asked walking into the store.

"Ok, pretend like you're not cooking for him and make extra he'll probably eat it anyways." She said. I picked up a basket and nodded.

"I'm gonna make this big spread and hopefully he'll like it." I said placing the eggs in my basket. I picked up a few more breakfast items and some meat. I headed to check out and paid with my card. I walked out with my food and headed back to the hotel.

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