28. Back to the Problem

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I woke up the next morning and stretched. I had a long day of filling out military paper work. I took a shower and got dressed in my super sexy service fit. Not the sexiest thing, but I pull it off. I walked out and Al looked me up and down.

"Ready for war soldier?"

"Only if I'm guaranteed death." I told him rolling my eyes. "I'm not in a joking mood this morning, ok."

"Whatever. Not gonna stop me. Go along and be bitter, I'll just ignore you."

I grabbed my keys and got in my car starting it up and backing out. "I'm starving." I said stopping at a McDonald's for something to eat.

After I got some food I my body I went ahead on to the base where my brother was waiting for me.

"Hey Ezzy." He said hugging me.

"Hey, what are you doing here?" I asked.

"Came to get you. We're going to Germany."

"Wait I came here to file paperwork."

"You can do it on the jet. We have to move now." He said sternly walking away. "I'll debrief you once we take off." I sighed and followed him. What is Al gonna think when I don't come home tonight? Hopefully not too much. But he has been acting weird lately. He might care too much.

When I got on I was surprised to see the Vice President, and a few members of his secret service along with some military backup. I formally greeted him and the soldiers stood to salute me. I dismissed them and sat next to my brother.

"So Germany is having an issue with one of it's left side boardering countries and we're going in to make sure nothing escalates." He told me.

"I couldn't stay home for this?" I pretended to complain. I never question duty. I just do as I'm told. My father sends me out overseas I'm going.

"Of course not." He said smiling. I sighed and got on the jet with him. I could be gonna for weeks now and I didn't even get to say bye to Al.

One month later after everything was finally settled I was able to return home and boy was Al mad. No, Al was furious. His wife was supposed to be gone for a few hours and went missing for a month.

"Ezzy what the hell?" He yelled when he heard the door open and saw me walk in. "Why'd you lie to me? Where were you?"

"Calm down Al, I didn't lie. I was told when I got there."

"You made me look bad Ez. You had things to do and you were supposed to do them."

"So this is about you, huh?" I asked. "I just stopped a war. That could've cost us billions and you're mad before I missed a couple tea parties? Al don't even talk to me right now you just pissed me off."

"I don't care I was gonna tell you the same thing." He said shrugging and going into the kitchen.

I growled and went up to my room. There's no way he could be so damn selfish. There has to be more to it. After a nice hot bath and a nap, I decided to actually try and work this out with him this time. I walked downstairs looking around and then in his room. I looked outside in the back yard and he was sitting there angrily reading a book. I chuckled and walked outside. He ignored me and I walked over sitting next to him.

"Hey," I said. He shook his head. "I'm sorry."

"Sorry for what?" He asked.

"I didn't know I was being sent to Germany. Didn't your dad tell you?"

"No, nobody told me anything."

"I mean what was I supposed to think. I thought you were mad at me from that morning, but two days later and you're still not back with no word. I was worried. I called your mom she didn't know where you were. You're dad wouldn't tell me. My dad didn't know. Nobody knew or would tell me what happened to you."

"I'm sorry Al." I said shrugging. "There was nothing I could do about it."

"What did you even come out here for we don't wanna talk to each other."

"I came out here to apologize because we are always fighting and our relationship can't grow like this. We have to spend the rest of our lives together. We can't do it like this."

"What do you want from me?" He asked. "Honestly. Cause I don't think we want the same things from a relationship and if that's the case we'll never work out. We'll only be able to tolerate each other."

"Yeah tolerance is better than no tolerance." I told him. "I don't think I'll ever be able to love you, or even like you in a relationship type of way. But he can work to a certain degree."

He sat forward and closed his book. "Seriously?" He asked. I looked at him confused. "You don't like me at all?"

"I mean I like you somewhat as a person you have some cool traits down there I'm sure." I told him looking around avoiding his eyes. "Well I'd better get to bed I'm tired." I said quickly standing up. "Bye buddy." I said patting his shoulder and walking away.

He stood up as well and followed me in the house. "I'm gonna go take a shower." He said yawning. "I'll see you in the morning."

"You're not hungry?"

"Romona treated me to dinner earlier so I'm good." He said closing his door.

"Oh." I said lowly with a smile. "Romona." I made a sandwich and called it a night.

The next morning I was up early and thought I'd cook a huge breakfast for Al just to make him feel better, because I realized I might have been a bit harsh on him last night. I walked everything and had bowls and bowls of stuff out multitasking like a mad woman trying to finish in 30 minutes before he woke up, but it took me 45 and he was still out. I wiped my forehead and began setting the table. When I was finished and went and washed my wash to get the sweat off and put a bra on. I knocked on Al's door before opening just in case he was doing something and opened the door. He was laid out on the bed with the TV on and his blankets thrown everywhere. I walked over to him bending down to pick his blankets up. I slightly shook him telling him to get up and come eat, but he didn't budge. I shook him harder and he groaned slowly cracking his eyes open.

"Get up and come eat before the food gets cold." I told him. He sat up and reached to the nightstand picking up his hearing aids and putting them in.

"What?" He asked again.

"Come eat before the food gets cold." I told him.

"Oh ok." He said scooting around me and getting out of bed. I followed him downstairs and to the table where we sat down and attempted to have a conversation that got awkward, so we decided to eat in silence.

Afterwards we got ready for work and I gave him a kiss on the cheek seeing him out. He's so difficult sometimes and I hate when it gets hard to talk to him and becomes awkward. He probably hates me because I crushed his ego. He's all in his feelings because of it and it makes me sad to know that. I could apologize and I should. First I lied, I do like him. Second I was harsh, and I called him buddy. I mean he's my husband after all. I told him I liked him. I told him I had the same feelings for him he had for me, but in the direction we were going it's necessary we start over.Maybe after he's out of his funk we can have fun in our relationship and grow it in a healthy way.

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