Chapter 20

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Highly Suspect - Lydia


Ray's car wasn't in the driveway when I pulled in.

Just Julian's.

I took a deep breath, then got out of the car.

I don't know how I'm so calm. I should be strangling him.

I headed inside, going straight to his room. I found him standing next to his bed, his back facing me. His head twitched for a millisecond, and I knew that he could tell I was standing there.

My eyes followed the curve of his arm down to his hand. He was holding the vial of blood, but now it was empty. The blood trailed down from his hand, and it made a tiny splat as it hit the ground.

He suddenly whipped around to face me, and I saw that he had changed. His eyes were fully black, his skin pale, and black veins ran across his face and down his neck.

What has he done?

"You got a problem?" He asked. His voice was much deeper than normal. It didn't even sound like him.

"No, I don't, actually." I uncrossed my arms and stepped over the threshold of his room. I noticed him tense up, but I spoke again.

"You're the one with the problem, aren't you?" I replied.

The way he smiled almost sent a shiver through me.

"You think that little whore is going to save you, Reece?"

My fists balled at my sides.

"Watch your fucking mouth," I murmured. He was still smiling, and I saw his body twitch with adrenaline.

He wanted this.

"Why are you fucking me over? Huh? Are you that bored with your own pathetic fucking life?" I took another step, my chest heaving. The thought of him hurting Adrianne sent another spurt of rage through me.

His smile disappeared, and was replaced with a look of pure anger.

"You want to do this?" He asked.

I glared at him, knowing my expression spoke for itself.

Let's do this.

He charged at me, and I widened my stance to brace for impact. He took a swing at me but feinted, and clocked me in the jaw with his other hand.

I knocked back against the wall, hearing a crunching sound as I hit the plaster. I grunted and stood up, shaking paint chips off of me.

I was surprised he hit that hard, I almost went through the wall.

"You think she's going to save you? She's a pathetic fucking creature." He stood close, his voice booming with rage.

"I'm done, Julian," I grunted.

"Well, I'm not. I bet Aphro would love to hear about your little dog," he sneered.

"Don't... you... dare," I seethed.

He laughed.

"Oh, I'd love seeing Aphro rip out her eyes and -"

I bodyslammed him before the end of the sentence. We both hit the edge of his bed, splintering the wooden platform. I pinned him down and got a punch in before he roared with anger and shoved me off of him.

"What are you waiting for?! Come on!"

We circled each other, panting.

"Oh, I've been waiting for this," he said, and out of nowhere I was thrown against his wall.

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