Chapter 1

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Me and my brother just moved here, Chicago, about a month ago but we had to get settled in first. You know, unpack boxes and set up rooms.

Today, though, is the first day we are going to school and we're heading toward the office to pick up our schedules. Once we get there, there is another person getting their schedule. The woman behind the desk glances at us and then realizes she doesn't know us, so she does a double take and says, "Well Hello there. Are you two the Prior siblings?"

"Yes" Caleb says in his usual matter-of-fact voice. He uses this voice when he wants people to think that he is smart. Sometimes I get annoyed by that voice but only sometimes. The rest of the time I have to love him because he's my brother.

That's when the other person in the room turns around and looks at us. He observes us carefully, like we are an alien and he deciding whether to trust us or not. His eyes stay on Caleb for only a second then they make their way over to me.

Oh my gosh, he is so...cute, no. Handsome, no. Then what words are there to describe him. Beautiful, nope not that either. Wait there are none. He is indescribable in every way. Strong facial features. Soft brown hair. Blue jeans, tight black shirt that outlining every muscle he has, and Nike on his feet. With blue, black and red on them. But out of everything that he carries around all day, his eyes beat his whole body. They are a stormy blue with a light blue ring in the center of his eye. These eyes could shallow you whole, and that's what happened to me.

He is staring at me. And I am staring back into those amazing eyes. I never want to look away but I know I have to at some point.

We stared at each other for a few minutes while the woman behind the desk was filling out some paper work that got us into the school. I can't believe we are five feet away from each other. Wait. We were just about ten feet away. Did walk closer to him? Or did he? What just happened?

Then all of a sudden my brother swiftly stepped in front of both of us so I couldn't look at him anymore.

"What the heck Caleb?" I whisper.

"You don't need to be giving a stranger googly eyes." he retorts.

"Well what would you do if there was a cute girl in here staring at you?"

He huffs in defeat then turns around to avoid my smirk. Even though he tries to cover up what he's doing, its obvious that he is trying to intimidate him. Suddenly hestiffens and straightens his back and raises his head a little higher. Is he intimidate by my brother? No he can't be.

Either way, I have to look in those eyes just one more time and I do, but this time it isn't Caleb who gets in the way. It was the lady behind the desk. " So Cable Prior" she says while looking through the three papers she has to find his. She finally finds the paper and hands it to him.

"Here's your schedule Caleb Prior, and yours..." she says as she looks at the two remaining papers, looking for my schedule. "And yours Beatrice...Prior."

"Thank You." I say with a smile. Then out of the corner of my eye I see the guy's mouth turn up slightly. Doeshethinkmynameisweird? I think to myself. Ofcoursenot. You'rejustoverthinkingthings.

My thoughts were interrupted when the lady hands the last paper to the other guy. "And here you go T-"

"Four" he says harshly. This surprised me, and the desk lady. The look of shock only stayed on her face for a few seconds, unlike mine where it stayed there for a about a minute.

He apparently realized this and looked away like he wanted to take back what he said. "I'm sorry. I didn't mean to snap at you."

Okay, I don't know which event shocks me the most. But I don't care.

"Well anyway, I took the liberty of seeing if any of you have the same first period and it just so happens that you two do." the way she points at me and the guy gives me a weird feeling. Wait! MeANDhimthat'swhatshesaidright? Wehavefirstperiodtogether?!?!

"So here is a map for you two, I hope you can find your way around but as for you young man," she says pointing to Caleb, "Will have to follow me so I can show you were to go."

Right before they leave, Caleb turns around suddenly. I thought it was to say bye but he just gives 'Four' a glare. Not a regular one, but more of a threatening one.

Wtf just happened? Me and my brother just walk in here to get our schedules and now he is giving Four death stare! I don't know what to make of all of what just happened. Until I was interrupted by a finger tapping my shoulder.

It was him. He smiles a little and asks, " So can I see your schedule?"

I hand over my schedule.

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