Chapter 16

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Tris PoV

I wake up in a place I wasn't expecting. My room. Everything is where it was before I left for school that one day.

That one day.

How long ago was that. It feels like it was just yesterday. No, it couldn't have been.

That's when I look down at my body. There are large wounds all over me. Some are healing but other look fairly new. It looks like a little bit of burned flesh on my thigh. A few bullet wounds on my calf.

What the hell happened?

Someone knocks on my door and a shadow enters.

My whole body tenses up and I can't move. So I can't go or hide anywhere.

What have they done to me so far?

Then I see who is coming in. It is a badly bruised Tobias. He has a blue, purple and black face. There are gashes that could easily be a foot long. They are deep. Ever inch is swollen but his blue eyes still shine through.

Relief washes over me. I am so happy he is alive. I want to get up and run to him but he sees that and pushes me back down.

"Tris. You have to rest okay. Everyone is fine. You are fine. They didn't do anything to you. I promise. Nothing happened to you." he reassures me. Gently gliding his fingers over my cheekbone.

"But you have scrapes all over you and your face is practically swollen shut." I counter as I try to sit up. Pain rushes through me as Tobias restrains me. Its like I'm being shoved into a brick wall and I'm trying to get away from it but I can't.

"I know. I know. Everyone looks like me actually. Bruised and scraped. That's how we looked once we got you out of that hotel." Tobias explains, climbing  into bed with me. He gives me a small embrace.

I've always loved his hugs. Strong and steady but also soft and warm. He could only give those types of hugs.

"What happened?" I ask weakly. My voice is hoarse like I've been screaming but I can't remember me screaming.

"Peter. Eric. Molly. Drew.....Zeke." he hesitates. At first I thought he couldn't remember the name but when he said Zeke, all of the memories I could comprehend came flowing to me.

Them beating me up at school. Hospital. Tobias was there. They took me somewhere. Then unconscious.

"Wh-Why was Zeke there. With the-them?" I ask. I really wish I hadn't. That took all of the energy I had left.

All of the thoughts of Zeke and Shauna. What Peter, Eric, Molly, Drew did to me. What happened to Tobias. How everyone else is. Where everyone else is. Where my family is. Every thought drains me of my strength. But I know that Tobias will stay with me if I ask him to.

"Tobias. Stay. Please" I whisper. My eye lids are starting to move up and down as I try to get an answer from him before I go under

"Always, Tris. I will stay with you al-" I don't here anything else, but I do feel two arms wrap around me and they stay there.

I fall into a deep sleep and all I dream about was him. Our past. Our present and hopefully someday, our future.

Tobias PoV

"Always, Tris. I will stay with you always. I promise." I say watching her eyelids close. I lean down and gently kiss her on the forehead. No matter how many times I kiss her, I will always feel sparks within me as I do. Brushing a piece of blonde hair out of her face, I say "I love you."

She's awake. Thank God! I was getting so worried. It has been a month and a half ever since I saw her eyes.

She is badly cut and bruised and everything but I'm not trusting another hospital ever again with my Tris. Not after what happened at Erudite Hospital.

Actually Shauna and Marlene took some classes at Dauntless Hospital so they could care for Tris here. I will never be able to stop saying thank you to them. Ever.

All of a sudden, I have the urge to go to the bathroom. But Tris told asked me to stat with her. I promised her I would stay with her. Always.

And that's one promise I am going to keep for the rest of my life.

The best part is that Peter, Eric, Molly, and Drew are all dead. Zeke is still trying to gain our trust again but he is very close to 'almost trusting'.

Plus he had a pretty good reason for being a traitor. Well at least a little bit to me. He did it to keep Tris', Uriah's, Marlene's, Shauna's, Christina's, Will's and my life. Peter said that he would kidnap us all and slowly kill each and every one of us.

I slowly drift off and all of what happened filled my brain.

Great. I guess I get to live through it again. But in a dream this time.

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