Chapter 25

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Its been two years since I passed initiation. I am currently a member of Dauntless, which is one of five factions; Abnegation, Amity, Erudite, Candor and of course, Dauntless. I transferred from Abnegation but no one remembers anymore. Well, except almost all of Abnegation. Abnegation has never had a transfer, excluding me. But today is the beginning of training for the initiates.

I work in the control room even though I was ranked first in my class. I take time off to train these newbies. Quite frankly, I hope that its not all Erudite and Candor this year, like it was last year. That was terrible.

As I walk into the room that has the net that the initiates must fall into from seven stories above, someone calls my name.

"Hey! Four!" Its Zeke. He is my bestest friend. His younger brother, Uriah, is part of this year's initiation group. "Hey bro, I heard you got the initiates again. That sucks."

"Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Why don't you just focus on Uriah's training." I say.

"Oh, I know he'll do great." he said pushing it aside.

"What if he transferred?" I ask with a smirk. "Better yet, transferred to Candor or Erudite. He could be a smart ass or a smart mouth."

"Oh please. Uriah wouldn't transfer. If he did, he knows that I would beat his ass in." Zeke says smirking.

"Whatever, I have to go to the net. See ya."

"See ya! Don't drop any initiates!"

I roll my eyes at what he said. His is the most funniest guys you could meet.

I walk up to the net and stand there alone. I am on a platform that rises off the ground so I can reach the net.  Lauren, the other initiate trainer, comes and joins me. I put on my stern face.

She trues to make conversation but its useless. I just want to get initiation over with.

A lot more people are now crowded into the shadows of this room. They are all yelling and shouting. A minutes later, I hear the train roll by.

"Shut up! The initiates are here!" I yell across the room. Within seconds the room is silent.

If you tried to listen, you could hear Max giving his speech. Then a person steps out on the ledge. I'm pretty sure its a girl, but I can't tell from down here. She - if it is a she- takes off her jacket and throws it. That earns some catcalls.

Then she jumps. This girl. Jumps. As she falls, I finally take a look at her clothing. Grey. Abnegation. An Abnegation jumped first. First jumper.

When she hits the net, I can tell, now, how small she is. She lays there for a second and laughs. Probably from the realization that she just jumped off a building.

She finally tries to get out, which is where we all help. Eight, or so, Dauntless reach their hands out toward her, as well as me. Out of all the hands she could have grabbed, she grabbed mine. I'm not complaining but I don't really want the memories of my dad right now.

Once she hits the group, she almost falls on her face. I steady her. Great, the first jumper can't land on her feet. But I gotta give her credit for jumping first.

"Thank you," she whispers.

I look the new initiate up and down. Oversized, grey clothes. Blonde locks that fall to the side of her face and blue-grey eyes examining my face. When she pulls away, she looks around the room.

"Can't believe it," Lauren says in awe, stepping out from behind me. "A Stiff. The first to jump? Unheard of."

And she is true. I was the only transfer from Abnegation. I guess not anymore. But I certainly wasn't the first to jump, or the second. I was in the good end.

"There's a reason why she left them, Lauren." I say not taking my eyes from this girl. "What's your name"

"Um..." she hesitates. I know why. I know exactly why. I didn't want people to know my real name, mostly because of my abusive father and the memories it carries. Thank God no one knows it. Well no one here knows it. Everyone back in Abnegation will always remember my name. 

But I'm pretty sure her reason for not wanting to use her real name is that it just doesn't fit her. Or Dauntless. Whichever, I decide to help her out, besides my instructor gave me a new start. Maybe I can help her out.

"Think about it," I say letting a faint smile curl up on my lips. "You don't get to pick again."

"Tris," she says firmly. I'm a little surprised, she seems so confident in that name. I didn't know what to say my name was because of me wanting to hide its origin. Her decision was also made pretty quickly too.

"Tris," Lauren says testing it out. I forgot she was even there until she snapped me out of my thoughts. "Make the announcement, Four."

I look over my shoulder and shout "First jumper- Tris!"

That time, shouting out the first jumper seemed weird. Like the name felt so natural on my tongue. Oh my god. If i fall in love with this girl that would just be so weird. I don't like anyone here. No one. It's just that her name.... it

All of the Dauntless that gathered start to jump and scream and cheer for her. Tris. Some of them are pumping their fists then another initiates comes screaming down. Another girl in black and white. Candor, great a smarth mouth. Everyone laughs and continues to cheer on. Except me. I walk up behind Tris and place my hand in between her shoulder blades and say, "Welcome to Duantless."

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